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Demons are real and so is their agenda

by Josh Buice
June 9, 2015

We must labor to avoid errors regarding angels, demons, and Satan. Satan and other fallen angels are real spirit beings.  Don’t mistake Satan as a red monster with horns and a pitchfork.  He masquerades as an angel of light. To ignore the reality of demons is to ignore the truthfulness of many accounts on the pages of the Bible.

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A word for young ministers: Maturing in the call of God

by Bert Farias

There are many struggles and challenges we face on the way to growth and maturity in our calling. The Lord has brought me through many such trials. With it has come understanding that I wanted to share with you. These secrets will help you enter into a settled and restful state of heart, where you are no longer striving. I hope they are a blessing to you, for they are written out of the pain of my own journey to maturity.

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Meditation – Pathway to wellness or doorway to the occult?

by Ray Yungen
January 19, 2016

In the West, mysticism always used to be restricted to a tiny fraction of the population (i.e., shamans, esoteric brotherhoods, and small spiritually elite groups). Never before has there been a widespread teaching of these methods to the general population. Now, mysticism pervades the Western world. How did this happen?

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What is heaven like?

by Rajkumar Richard
February 18, 2016

If we are to buy a house, we will spend days, if not months, to learn more about the house. We endeavor to learn almost everything about the house before we commence our life in it. We leave no stone unturned while studying about our new home on earth. Similarly let us leave no stone unturned before we commence our life in heaven.

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Why do we believe the Gospel?

by Jon Bolie
December 12, 2014

When it comes to the matter of faith, there is only one legitimate definition; knowing that something is true and trusting in that fact. You cannot have faith that is ‘blind’.

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