by Sue Schlesman
March 24, 2016
You might not admit it, but secretly you know that part of the problem is you. Yes, you are an angry mom, but you’re not sure what to do about it. You really love being a mom. But sometimes, you’re just mad.
by GodTube
Hearing these two little guys sing praises of our Savior will lift your spirits with joy! They are so sweet and precious – it will absolutely make your day and remind you what is important in life!!
by Vaneetha Rendall Risner
March 25, 2016
In the midst of broken dreams and riveting pain, how should we pray? Should we pray for healing and deliverance, believing that we just need to ask, because God can do anything? Or should we relinquish our desires to God, trusting that even in our anguish he has the perfect plan for us?
by Liz Kanoy
March 28, 2016
What if God isn’t asking us to make big changes in His world? What if God is using us to make small changes? God is not absent from the world He created; He is present and He is at work. He does not need us, but yet He delights in using us to accomplish His purposes.
by Ken Sande
February 12, 2015
Socialization – learning to get along with other people – is one of the most intensely discussed aspects of modern education. No matter where children are educated, many of them are not being fully equipped for real life. To remedy this deficiency, Christian parents must understand more clearly what the Bible says about the role of peacemaking in the social training of our children.
by Michael Houdmann
God gave man and woman the joy and pleasure of sexual relations within the bounds of marriage, and the Bible is clear about the importance of maintaining sexual purity within the boundaries of that union between man and wife . Humans are well aware of the pleasing effect of this gift from God but have expanded it well beyond marriage and into virtually any circumstance. The secular world’s philosophy of “if it feels good, do it” pervades cultures, especially in the West, to the point where sexual purity is seen as archaic and unnecessary.
by Brian Hedges
April 28, 2015
Many factors contribute to the dearth of friendship. The increasing mobility of our culture has made lifelong friends a rare commodity. Even when we stay in one place for a long time, the rapid pace of life makes it difficult to carve out time for building and sustaining friendship. If we have ever needed wisdom regarding friendship, it is now.
by Berit Kjos
July 28, 2015
The field of education presents an ideal setting for transformation. In virtually every area of education and instruction, from kindergarten to universities, from weekend workshops to family counseling sessions, the Ancient Wisdom is being taught either up front or covertly. This is largely happening because teachers, principals, and other administrators in particular have become involved in metaphysics.13
by Ray Yungen
October 17, 2015
Pope Francis sees the various religions as one family. He is bringing Thomas Merton’s ideas of unity to the table of global unity among all humanity. Thomas Merton’s “contemplative style” saw no contradiction between Christianity and Buddhism. When Pope Francis praised Thomas Merton, he gave a green light for everyone to embrace interspirituality. And where there is interspirituality, there is no place for the Cross of Jesus Christ.
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