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What’s wrong with pornography

by Ross S. Olson MD

Why do some people get so hot and bothered about sexy pictures? Is it because they are repressed or something? Why not just let everybody look at what they like? It doesn’t hurt anybody, does it?

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Angels, God’s ministering spirits


Modern society, so seemingly secular and hopelessly materialistic, desperately searches for some spiritual and supernatural meaning. If angels can provide it, then angels it will be. The bookstores abound with books on this subject. These books not only claim encounters with angels, but instruct people on how to contact them.

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Answering Atheism

by Ruth

This list of articles has in the first place been compiled to answer most of the arguments that atheists have against the Word of God.  The timeless truths that are presented would  also benefit us as believers in that we will be strengthened in our faith through knowing that God’s Word truly is infallible, can be trusted and will stand the test of time.

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New study links Facebook to depression: But now we actually understand why

by Alice G. Walton
April 8, 2015

The irony of Facebook is by now known to most. The “social” network has been linked to a surprising number of undesirable mental health consequences: Depression, low self-esteem, and bitter jealousy among them. Now, a new study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology finds that not only do Facebook and depressive symptoms go hand-in-hand, but the mediating factor seems to be a well-established psychological phenomenon: “Social comparison.”

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Alone in the crowd

by Michael Price

People today are more connected to one another than ever before in human history, thanks to Internet-based social networking sites and text messaging. But they’re also more lonely and distant from one another in their unplugged lives, says Massachusetts Institute of Technology social psychologist Sherry Turkle, PhD. This is not only changing the way we interact online, it’s straining our personal relationships, as well.

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10 Serious problems with Jesus Calling

by Tim Challies
November 11, 2015

Sarah Young’s Jesus Calling is a phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. According to publisher Thomas Nelson, it “continues to grow in units sold each year since it was released [and] has surpassed 15 million copies sold.” Yet it is a deeply troubling book. I am going to point out 10 serious problems with Jesus Calling in the hope that you will consider and heed these warnings.

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How to keep your child safe on the internet

by GuardChild

When a child goes online, they immediately have access to the world and the world has access them. Think about the possibilities and dangers of what’s available to kids when they open a browser, or visit a chat room? Imagine the impact on a child when they go online unsupervised.

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The good and the bad of escaping to virtual reality

by Monica Kim
February 18, 2015

If virtual reality becomes a part of people’s day-to-day lives, more and more people may prefer to spend a majority of their time in virtual spaces. As the futurist Ray Kurzweil predicted, “By the 2030s, virtual reality will be totally realistic and compelling and we will spend most of our time in virtual environments. But the idea of a life lived online, or outside of regular society, is largely seen as dangerous and unhealthy.

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