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Israel and the ISIS threat

by Howard Green

There are continued reports of ISIS fighters in the vicinity of the Golan Heights and incursions into Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. What do these developments mean for Israel and are they prophetically significant?

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Oceans of water deep beneath the earth?

by Brian Thomas, M.S.

These mantle waters could represent residual waters “of the great deep” that burst through the crust and onto Earth’s surface to initiate Noah’s year-long Flood, according to Genesis 7:11.

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Did Noah’s flood cover the Himalayan mountains?

by John D. Morris, Ph.D.

Few doctrines in Scripture are as clearly taught as the global nature of the Great Flood in Noah’s day. Genesis clearly teaches that “the waters …. increased greatly . . and the mountains were covered” (Genesis 7:18-20). Through the centuries, few Christians questioned this doctrine. The Bible said it, and that was enough – until the late 1700s that is.

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The Genesis Flood- were did the water come from and where did it go?

by Patrick Young, Ph.D.

Every serious student of scientific creation knows that the validity of a global flood in mankind’s recent past is a subject that invites vigorous debate. Advocates of an ancient Earth, whether they are atheistic or theistic evolutionists, have attacked the scientific credibility of a global flood with a zeal that is nothing short of fanaticism. Others, such as progressive creationists, dismiss the global aspect of the flood and alternatively propose a more localized version as a misguided attempt to salvage the Bible’s credibility.

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The U.N.’s parade of dictators

by Claudia Rosett – Forbes
September 25, 2015

Founded in 1945 to promote global peace, human dignity and freedom, the United Nations is celebrating its 70th anniversary — with a parade of dictators. The ceremonies will peak on Monday, at U.N. headquarters in New York, when the General Assembly opens its annual debate with a lineup starring the presidents of such notorious tyrannies as China, Russia, Iran and Cuba.

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Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill sign declaration on religious unity, discuss conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Ukraine

by Lydia Tomkiw
February 12, 2016

After a historic meeting in Havana, Roman Catholic Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill signed a joint declaration on religious unity. The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church and the Russian Orthodox Church had not spoken since 1054 when the Great Schism divided the eastern and western Christian churches.

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Pope Francis taking unprecedented actions to unite world religions

by James Bailey
March 15, 2015

Pope Francis appears to be on a crusade to unite the religions of the world into one. He started fast right out of the blocks and has not slowed down. Since being elected Pope on March 13 2013, he has launched initiatives to reconcile differences between leaders of every major religion, including longstanding rifts between Christian denominations. The Bible warns us that a religious leader will arise in the last days who will unite the world into a one-world religion.

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Savile and Hall: BBC ‘missed chances to stop attacks’

by BBC News
February 26, 2016

The BBC missed opportunities to stop “monstrous” abuse by DJ Jimmy Savile and broadcaster Stuart Hall because of a “culture of fear”, a report says. Referring to Savile and Hall, Dame Janet said: “Both of these men used their fame and positions as BBC celebrities to abuse the vulnerable.

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