by Rebecca Terrell
June 1, 2015
Exorcists are warning about the dangers of a game known as Charlie Charlie that has gone viral on social media during the past week. Popular among teens and young adults, the game involves summoning a spirit named Charlie — also spelled Charly — to answer a series of yes/no questions.
by Sue Schlesman
From time to time, I write my sons letters or send texts with nuggets of advice in them. I want to make sure that before they leave me, they have a collection of wisdom to carry with them into life.
by Falling Plates
A unique way of presenting the power of the Gospel
by Howard Green
Where will you go when you die? The world is full of people who believe they will go to heaven. Tragically, churches are also full of people who believe they are going to heaven. The truth is….heaven is one of two possible places people go when they die. The other place many people go when they die is hell.
by Douglas Groothuis
Is the doctrine of hell a hindrance or a help in witnessing? Many evangelicals are ashamed of this biblical doctrine, viewing it as a blemish to be covered up by the cosmetic of divine love. But this dishonors God’s Word. Jesus warned His hearers of the eternal punishment awaiting those who reject Him. If we clearly and compassionately expound the truth about hell, we may be surprised to find people responding to it in faith.
by Clinton Alexander
December 21, 2015
Gideons International has distributed more than two billion Bibles and New Testaments around the globe since its founding in 1908. However, if the Freedom From Religion Foundation has its way, hotels and motels across the country may soon be removing those complimentary Bibles. The foundation has a long history of battling to remove all mention of God or Christianity from the public sector. ”
by Alex Newman
April 29, 2015
In response to the mushrooming scandals surrounding predatory UN troops who rape and abuse civilians, the tyrant-dominated global outfit is reportedly working a plan for paternity testing to uncover so-called “peacekeeper babies.” But instead of truly dealing with the grotesque revelations, the UN is busy persecuting whistleblowers who exposed the horrors while plotting ever-grander “peace” missions by its military forces.
Alex Newman
February 15, 2016
Brazenly defying United Nations member governments from around the world, the UN decided to promote homosexuality, same-sex parenting, transgenderism, and other controversial agendas on a series of commemorative postage stamps. It is the next step in the UN’s divisive “Free and Equal” campaign, which claims to have reached a billion people with its propaganda so far.
Howard Green
I believe there is a portion of Christianity worldwide who would gladly trade this old world for heaven in a split second. I also believe there is another portion of Christians who are quite content with things as they are – thank you very much. Why is this the case?
by Howard Green
There are so many people in the world who believe they will go to heaven when they die. I’m not referring to people who are willfully running headlong into sin with gusto. I’m referring to people who you would classify as all around nice people. In fact, they would classify themselves as nice people as well. That is why this popular notion of good, nice, sweet people is so sad.
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