by Marcia Montenegro
To introduce children to Yoga is in my mind irresponsible and potentially dangerous at the very least. Even if this type of Yoga appears to have no outward effects, there can be hidden ones, and it certainly creates a bond that may pull the child deeper into its spirituality as he or she gets older before the child has knowingly been able to make such a choice.
by Janet Lehman
It’s important to remember that your child is not your friend—he’s your child. Your job is to teach him to be able to function in the world. This means teaching him to behave respectfully to others, not just you.
by Cathy Gulli
January 7, 2016
Many kids are actually overpowering their parents. A functional family unit hinges on the one social construct that contemporary society has been working hard to dismantle: hierarchy. “You need a strong alpha presentation to inspire a child to trust you and depend upon you,” says Neufeld of parents. The parent always has to be honoured as the ultimate person,” he continues. “We need to put parents back in the driver’s seat.”
by Paul Coleman
December 14, 2012
VIENNA — Alliance Defending Freedom Legal Counsel Paul Coleman has authored an important new book, released this week, about the criminalization of so-called “hate speech” in Europe and the widespread threat it poses to free speech everywhere. Pastors are being arrested for preaching sermons from the Bible, journalists have been routinely fined, and even private conversations between citizens have resulted in criminal investigations.
by Open Doors
January 13, 2016
While the year 2014 will go down in history for having the highest level of global persecution of Christians in the modern era, current conditions suggest the worst is yet to come.
by Raymond Ibrahim
October 20, 2015
Even when Christian refugees make it to the West, they often continue to be persecuted by Muslims, their fellow “refugees.” “Very religious Muslims are spreading the following idea throughout the refugee centers: Sharia law rules wherever we are.” – Gottfried Martens, pastor of a south Berlin church.
by Chris Lawson
January 2012
In the Roman Catholic worldview global ecumenism is a tool that is being used in order to absorb all other churches, Christian movements, and denominations. All around the world, ecumenical movements and numerous religions are slowly joining with the Church of Rome. All are warmly embraced through “dialogue” except biblical Christians, who believe in justification by faith alone. The Roman Catholic Church refers to Christians who believe this as “Separated Brethren” who need to “come home to Rome” (i.e., Roman Catholicism).
by Paul K. Williams
Drums beat their monotonous single-beat rhythm announcing another ceremony of the sangomas (one of the Zulu words for “witch doctor”). Onlookers, both curious and devout, gather as the sangomas begin their ritual dance. Dressed in skins, feathers and beads they go through various gyrations, calling on the ancestors and working themselves into a state where they can commune with the spirits.
by Paul K. Williams
Drums beat their monotonous single-beat rhythm announcing another ceremony of the sangomas (one of the Zulu words for “witch doctor”). Onlookers, both curious and devout, gather as the sangomas begin their ritual dance. Dressed in skins, feathers and beads they go through various gyrations, calling on the ancestors and working themselves into a state where they can commune with the spirits.
by Michael Houdmann
Satan has always sought to supplant God, and he uses lies about worshipping other gods and even ancestors to try to lead people away from the truth of God’s existence. Ancestor worship is wrong because it goes against God’s specific warnings about such worship, and it seeks to replace Jesus Christ as the Divine Mediator between God and mankind.
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