Michael Houdmann نویسندهن
سوال: عیسی مسیح کیست؟
جواب: عیسی مسیح کیست؟ آنانی که به وجود خدا شک دارند بیشتر از افرادی هستند که وجود و ماهیت عیسی مسیح را زیر سؤال می نهند. این یک حقیقت پذیرفته شدۀ عمومی است که عیسی مسیح مردی بود که 2000 سال پیش در سرزمین اسرائیل زندگی می کرد. بحث واقعی زمانی آغاز می شود که صحبت از هویت مسیح به پیش آید. تقریباً در همۀ مذاهب اصلی دنیا عیسی مسیح به عنوان یک نبی، یک معلم خوب، و یا یک شخص با خصائل خداگونه مُعرّفی شده است. مشکل اینجاست که کتابمقدس تعلیم می دهد که عیسی مسیح شخصیتی والاتر از همۀ اینها می باشد.
通过写 Prof. Johan Malan
by David Harris – AJC Global Jewish Advocacy
December 2015
The Middle East always seems to be in the news. Hardly a day passes without a story on something going on in Israel or related to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Unfortunately, given the rapid-fire nature of much reporting these days, the discussion often lacks context. This essay seeks to provide both historical and contemporary context.
by James Walker
Is salvation by faith in Christ alone or in faith plus works? The major theme of Paul’s letters is that salvation is a totally free gift – not earned by good works, rituals, or obeying laws. Eternal life is by grace through faith. However, when turning to James one finds what appears at first to be a direct contradiction.
by John Hendryx
January 1, 2016
There are some things that are non-negotiable, and by that I mean those things that make Christianity what it truly is. When Christians make a common confession assenting to the essentials of the Christian faith there is no room for negotiation.
by Compassion International
January 11, 2014
The facts about this terrible crime against humanity are hard to read, especially those about children forced into literal slavery. But by learning the facts you can be the change for exploited children around the world.
by Cedric H. Fisher
November 9, 2015
The fact is, there is a war against Bible-believing Christians on the horizon. And until we acknowledge it, we are not going to fully grasp how essential it is to prepare and remain prepared for a brutal period that is rapidly approaching. We are now in an increasingly hostile environment, and it is getting more antagonistic.
by T.A. McMahon
December 1, 2015
The cry of the Reformers was sola scriptura , which means that the Bible alone is to be the Christian’s authority in all matters of faith and practice. However, although Calvin and Luther, among others, waved that banner, they did not live by its important truth. They kept some baggage from their former faith that isn’t even found in God’s Word, or it is contrary to the teachings of Scripture.
by Ari Soffer
December 2, 2015
Archaeologists digging just south of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount have made a historic discovery, unearthing the first-ever seal impression of an Israelite or Judean king ever exposed in situ in a scientific archaeological excavation.
by Roger Oakland
November 27, 2015
In 2014, Rick Warren was interviewed by Catholic T.V. network host Raymond Arroyo. I was very aware that Rick Warren was heading down the path toward Rome. But not until I saw this interview did I realize just how far he has gone in that direction.
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