by Dr. Mordechai Kedar
November 15, 2015
Beginning more or less with 9/11, the expression “radical Islam” became the accepted way for the media, politicians and public to define the religious and ideological foundations of Islam-based violence when referring to what the world calls “terror.” This expression was meant to be contrasted with “moderate Islam” which presents Muslims as ordinary people who wish to live in peace with all of mankind. The world created the image of two Islams, one radical and impossible to live with, and one moderate and “just like us.”
by Michael Houdmann
The Catholic Church proclaims itself to be the church that Jesus Christ died for, the church that was established and built by the apostles. Is that the true origin of the Catholic Church? On the contrary. Even a cursory reading of the New Testament will reveal that the Catholic Church does not have its origin in the teachings of Jesus or His apostles.
by 532
Mary takes the place of Jesus in Catholic teaching. Instead of the faithful looking to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of their faith, they look to Mary. In Mary they find access to God. In her the Church is all holy and can learn obedience to God.
by John McArthur
February 27, 2013
Tradition dictates that Mary is part of the monarchy of heaven, soliciting grace and mercy from the Lord on behalf of sinners, and covering sin by distributing from her Treasury of Merit. She became a co-redeemer with Christ in His suffering on the cross, and is now a co-mediator alongside Him in heaven – essentially an alternative avenue of access to God.
by Oliver Lane11
November 2015
‘With Open Gates: The forced collective suicide of European nations’, a slick, hard-hitting film about the European migrant crisis is going viral in Europe, already watched at least half a million times. Although the 19-minute film may feel like a dispatch from the future, it is cut entirely from recent news reports, police camera footage, and interviews.
by Pastor Larry DeBruyn
September 08, 2015
Who will invade Israel? His name is “Prince Gog,” and he is the ideological, demagogic and perennial antagonist against God and His chosen people. So in “latter days” he will instigate a full scale invasion of the Holy Land. Gog will assault “the land” from “the remote parts of the north”.
by Pastor Larry DeBruyn
September 08, 2015
Who will invade Israel? His name is “Prince Gog,” and he is the ideological, demagogic and perennial antagonist against God and His chosen people. So in “latter days” he will instigate a full scale invasion of the Holy Land. Gog will assault “the land” from “the remote parts of the north”.
by Institute of the World Jewish Congress
Switzerland’s reputation as a neutral safe-haven during World War 11 has been badly tarnished by recent revelations about its wartime transactions with Germany. What began as an examination of the dormant bank accounts of Holocaust victims has gained momentum to include the whole gamut of Swiss financial dealings with the Nazis. In recent months a vast amount of incriminating documentation has been unearthed that reveals the sinister side of Swiss “neutrality”.
by The Guardian
November 14, 2015
Scores die in siege at Bataclan concert hall and at scenes of apparently coordinated series of gun and bomb attacks in French capital.
by Pastor Jannie Viljoen
The attainment of the ‘Coming Great Church,’ proclaiming one Gospel to the whole world … implies the surrender of distinctive evangelical truth. The one Gospel to be preached certainly will not be the Gospel of salvation through the exclusive merits of Christ. Already we can see the beginning stages of what the Bible prophesies. An incredible worldwide delusion is gathering momentum.
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