by Jared Taylor
September 22, 2015
Europa unbars the gates to her oldest enemy.
by Real Facts
Unlike South Africans who achieved a peaceful resolution to conflict through dialogue, negotiation, truth and reconciliation, the Political Head of Hamas, Khaled Mashel, emphatically insists: “Jihad and armed resistence are the true and correct way. There will be no concession on an inch of the land”.
by Real Facts
The Israeli West Bank barrier is a security fence that was built for one reason and one reason only – to protect Israeli civilians from the relentless Palestinian terrorist attacks that started to escalate dramatically in 2000. Below is a chart of the actual civilian fatalities in Israel since the security fence was built. In 2002, the year before construction started, thousands of Israelis were injured and hundreds were killed due to the dozens of suicide bombings around the country. In 2009, for the first year in many, there were no suicide bombings.
by Truthkeepers
This truth is not spoken about in Christian assemblies nowadays. Instead, it is all about how much God loves us, dotes on our every need, and is super-sensitive to our every whim. Such a God is not much more than a magical genie that has no concern about our spiritual condition, but focuses only on our health, wealth, and comfort. In fact, the spiritual condition is rarely brought up.
by Understanding Slavery Initiative
The increase in African involvement in the trade from the 16th century onwards was caused by an influx of outside capital, the pre-existing trade being spurred on by the growing demand for Europe’s goods: fabrics and utensils, guns and alcohol. There are a number of eye-witness accounts of the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and the infamous ‘Middle Passage’, the voyage across the Atlantic that could take as long as two months.
by Billy Graham
October 27, 2015
In the event of a national catastrophe, much confusion, terror and consternation would reign. What would the Christian do? What should our attitude be? Which way would we turn if the country in which we live were suddenly wrecked and all the props gone?
by Maria Kneas
The controversy between creationism and evolution is not a disagreement between science and religion. Rather, it is a dispute between advocates of opposing religions: scientists who believe the Bible versus scientists who believe in humanism. As Roger Oakland says, what one believes about creation and evolution determines what they will believe about morality and a Savior.
by Maria Kneas
The controversy between creationism and evolution is not a disagreement between science and religion. Rather, it is a dispute between advocates of opposing religions: scientists who believe the Bible versus scientists who believe in humanism. As Roger Oakland says, what one believes about creation and evolution determines what they will believe about morality and a Savior.
by Maria Kneas
The controversy between creationism and evolution is not a disagreement between science and religion. Rather, it is a dispute between advocates of opposing religions: scientists who believe the Bible versus scientists who believe in humanism. As Roger Oakland says, what one believes about creation and evolution determines what they will believe about morality and a Savior.
by David Goldman
October 19, 2015
Most of the 256 affected apps were made in China, but they were available worldwide on the app store and were downloaded 1 million times, according to app analytics service SourceDNA, which first discovered the problem. The apps’ creators used a software development kit from a Chinese advertising company called Youmi, which allowed the developers to put ads in their apps.
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