by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
In earlier articles we examined some of the associations between Eastern religion and Satanism/witchcraft. Now we bring our concerns closer to home by examining the beliefs of some popular American gurus. Among Eastern gurus as a whole, occult practices are widely accepted.
by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
In earlier articles we examined some of the associations between Eastern religion and Satanism/witchcraft. Now we bring our concerns closer to home by examining the beliefs of some popular American gurus. Among Eastern gurus as a whole, occult practices are widely accepted.
by Lanette Irwin
October 20, 2015
The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention. The Parliament of the World’s Religions has an agenda and they are now very open about it. It is now an outright attack on the Christian church and the Word of God. They are not afraid to say that “an orthodox Bible believing Christian does not fit in our world nor will they be tolerated.”
by Lanette Irwin
October 20, 2015
The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention. The Parliament of the World’s Religions has an agenda and they are now very open about it. It is now an outright attack on the Christian church and the Word of God. They are not afraid to say that “an orthodox Bible believing Christian does not fit in our world nor will they be tolerated.”
by Lanette Irwin
October 20, 2015
The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions was held October 15-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah. They estimated over fourteen thousand people attended this New Age (now called “interfaith”) convention. The Parliament of the World’s Religions has an agenda and they are now very open about it. It is now an outright attack on the Christian church and the Word of God. They are not afraid to say that “an orthodox Bible believing Christian does not fit in our world nor will they be tolerated.”
by Chaim Rabinowitz
October 24, 2015
Dear World,
Sorry to disturb you in the middle of your very important sports events and celebrity reality shows, but please take a moment to answer a few questions regarding your blatantly anti-Semitic and double standard approach to Israel. Please explain to me how any person in 2015 can condemn Israel, the only free democratic state in a region of close to two dozen Muslim countries, who hang gay people from cranes and sell eight year old girls as brides to middle-aged men, all the while screaming ‘Death to America’ and ‘Itbah AL-Yahud!’ (Slaughter the Jews)!
by National Report
On Monday the Bishop Of Rome addressed Catholic followers regarding the dire importance of exhibiting religious tolerance. During his hour-long speech, a smiling Pope Francis was quoted telling the Vatican’s guests that the Koran, and the spiritual teachings contained therein, are just as valid as the Holy Bible.
by Rebecca Terrell
June 19, 2015
Is it possible that these popes are proposing a world government with total control of currency, the food supply, military forces, private property and immigration, along with a court system to uphold its decrees? This plan disturbingly parallels the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals enumerated in its Agenda 21 program, formulated at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The John Birch Society describes Agenda 21 as a plan “for the global control and restriction over your daily life, including your private property, individual rights, and civil liberties — all in the apparent name of the environment and so-called social justice.”
by Rebecca Terrell
June 19, 2015
Is it possible that these popes are proposing a world government with total control of currency, the food supply, military forces, private property and immigration, along with a court system to uphold its decrees? This plan disturbingly parallels the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals enumerated in its Agenda 21 program, formulated at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The John Birch Society describes Agenda 21 as a plan “for the global control and restriction over your daily life, including your private property, individual rights, and civil liberties — all in the apparent name of the environment and so-called social justice.”
by Rolley Haggard
April 30, 2014
A recent article in “World” Magazine titled “Still-silent shepherds” summarized the top reasons evangelical pastors give for not preaching against abortion. Among them is that “preaching on the issue might politically stigmatize the pastor or politicize the pulpit, scaring seekers off.”
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