by Rolley Haggard
April 30, 2014
A recent article in “World” Magazine titled “Still-silent shepherds” summarized the top reasons evangelical pastors give for not preaching against abortion. Among them is that “preaching on the issue might politically stigmatize the pastor or politicize the pulpit, scaring seekers off.”
by Ari Yashar
October 19, 2015
Hamas issues new orders for an escalation in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, while Fatah says it can ‘blow up buses in Tel Aviv.’ The terror group has praised the current wave of attacks that have mostly consisted of stabbings, but the new orders on the ground could see a return of the explosive attacks that were common during the 2000 terror war known as the Second Intifada.
by Johan Malan
October 2015
Five core truths in connection with our salvation are mentioned in John 3:16. All five are divine wonders. They are the wonder of divine love, the wonder of a heavenly Saviour, the wonder of faith in God, the wonder of salvation from perdition, and the wonder of eternal life. The Bible offers a full exposition of these supernatural works of God, and emphasises the fact that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world and that no person can save himself from his state of spiritual deadness and moral depravity.
by Johan Malan
October 2015
Five core truths in connection with our salvation are mentioned in John 3:16. All five are divine wonders. They are the wonder of divine love, the wonder of a heavenly Saviour, the wonder of faith in God, the wonder of salvation from perdition, and the wonder of eternal life. The Bible offers a full exposition of these supernatural works of God, and emphasises the fact that Jesus Christ is the only Saviour of the world and that no person can save himself from his state of spiritual deadness and moral depravity.
by Polaris
Are you or someone you know being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community? Knowing the red flags and indicators of human trafficking is a key step in identifying more victims and helping them find the assistance they need.
by Nicky Blackburn
October 8, 2015
Major reserves of oil have been discovered on the Golan Heights, which could make Israel self-sufficient for many years to come, according to drilling company Afek Oil and Gas.
by Compassion
January 11, 2014
By learning the facts about this terrible crime against humanity, you can be the change for exploited children around the world.
by Steven E. Persons
April 8, 1991
Since this successful onslaught by the humanists, the public schools have been viewed as a crucial vehicle for any “reform” movement. Recognizing this truth, the New Age Movement wasted no time in assailing public school children. Just as secular humanism assaulted every aspect of our society, New Age thought is infiltrating each facet as well. One can observe it in the media, in literature, in churches, and even in politics. But the most conspicuous influence, without a doubt, is the invasion of our educational system.
by Rebecca Terrell
September 27, 2015
As Pope Francis rounds out his nine-day trip to North America with a visit this weekend to Philadelphia and the 2015 World Meeting of Families, media coverage of his historic visit is instead centered on his remarks during the past week regarding climate change. From his discussion with Fidel Castro on Sunday, September 20 to speeches at the White House and Congress, the pontiff’s theme has been a continual plea for protecting the environment from “human activity” and promoting so-called “sustainable development.”
by Rebecca Terrell
September 27, 2015
As Pope Francis rounds out his nine-day trip to North America with a visit this weekend to Philadelphia and the 2015 World Meeting of Families, media coverage of his historic visit is instead centered on his remarks during the past week regarding climate change. From his discussion with Fidel Castro on Sunday, September 20 to speeches at the White House and Congress, the pontiff’s theme has been a continual plea for protecting the environment from “human activity” and promoting so-called “sustainable development.”
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