by Amnesty International
Your voice matters. You have the right to say what you think, share information and demand a better world. You also have the right to agree or disagree with those in power, and to express these opinions in peaceful protests.
by Katharine Gammon
June 27, 2012
Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint, and the absence of a despotic government.
by Bodie Hodge and Paul F. Taylor
January 19, 2015
The Bible recognizes that slavery is a reality in this sin-cursed world and doesn’t ignore it, but instead gives regulations for good treatment by both masters and servants and reveals they are equal under Christ.
by Got Questions
People have been given enough truth to know and surrender to God, but they refuse it. Self-will wants to deny God’s right to tell us what to do. So, with the truth in front of them, many people turn away and refuse to see it.
by Dennis and Barbara Rainey
When we started out, we had a few ideas of what our God-given assignment was as we raised children. Two years later we added a son, and we realized we needed to get intentional about what we wanted to do as parents and what we wanted to teach our children.
by Focus on the Family
Here are 12 principles you can teach your children to help them resolve conflicts among themselves or with their friends.
by Debbie Pincus
Most couples have experienced this situation at one time or another – you think you should discipline your child a certain way, and your spouse or co-parent wants to handle it differently.
by Dan van Veen
May 5, 32017
In his address, Trump told religious leaders that free speech does not end at the church steps, and this executive order would give churches their voices back.
by Elliot Miller
It has become virtually impossible to escape encounters with yoga in one form or another in the course of daily American life. For the conscientious Christian the question becomes inescapable: “Is yoga, or can it be, compatible with the Christian faith?”
by Elliot Miller
The character of yoga in the West has largely been determined by the men who brought it here from the East. The late Swamis Vivekananda, Yogananda, Muktananda, and Satchidananda all played pivotal roles in exposing Western culture to yoga.
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