Elliot Miller
The very structure of yoga is designed to facilitate the goals of Hindu spirituality, and so every attempt by the Christian yoga movement to redeem yoga for Christian use has failed.
by Matt Slick
October 20, 2013
Arrogance is a negative and immoral display of superiority and/or self-importance. But true Christians are not claiming superiority or self-importance.
by Got Questions
Right self-image is understanding our great need for God and His great love for us. It is rejoicing in His truth and living aware of our value to Him and our identity in Jesus Christ.
by Wycliffe Bible Translators NZ
God wants people to read His Word – He always speaks their language. Through Old Testament authors, He spoke in Hebrew, in the New Testament, He spoke in Koine Greek, the trade language of the first century. Today, He continues to speak to many people in many languages, through translators.
by Ari Soffer
December 2, 2015
Archaeologists unearth seal of King Hezekiah of Judea near Temple Mount – shedding new, exciting light on the Bibilical narrative.
by History Extra
Leading biblical archaeologist Aren Maeir identifies 10 key discoveries from the Holy Land and explains how they relate to the Old Testament.
by Bryan Windle
December 28, 2021
After 150 years of archaeology in Israel, hundreds of synchronisms (connections) between the material culture and the biblical text have been established. At this point, it takes more faith to believe that the Bible is not t rue than to believe that it is true – Archaeologist Dr. Scott Stripling.
by David Rosevear
July 1, 1999
Each component of a living cell is breathtakingly complex, yet in isolation it cannot survive nor replicate itself. All the parts of the cell are necessary to its functioning and replication. Nothing works until everything works. This has been called irreducible complexity.
by Rich Robinson
August 4, 2020
There are probably no other persons in history whose life has raised as many questions as that of Jesus (Yeshua). But for Jesus himself, the Hebrew Scriptures were the key by which He understood his vocation as Israel’s Messiah.
by InterVarsity Evangelism
God does not send people to Hell. God honors our dignity and allows us to make a choice. Those who put God at the center of their lives will have that extended into eternity.
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