by Alex Newman
August 21, 2015
Heads are rolling at the United Nations — sort of, at least among lower-level officials — as a mushrooming scandal involving UN “peacekeeping” troops systematically raping and abusing women and children in Africa continues to expand. At first, top UN leadership tried to keep the abuse under wraps, even firing the official who exposed the initial revelations, Anders Kompass, before having him investigated and escorted from his office under armed guard.
Dr. Michael Brown
After making threats for weeks, anonymous hackers have released the private information of millions of users of the Ashley Madison website, billed as the “most successful website for finding an affair and cheating partners” and boasting that it is “the world’s leading married dating service for discreet encounters.”
by Roger Oakland
Biblical Christianity is under attack like it has never been before. We are not only on a “slippery slope”—Christianity is ready to fall off the cliff. As Jesus asked in Luke 18:18: When the son of man cometh, will he find faith?
by Dr. Opal Reddi
There are many reasons for the popularity of the generation curse concept. An obvious one is the reluctance of most humans to take blame for their wrongdoing. Psychological theories have convinced many people that they are not really sinners, but rather victims of society in general and parents in particular.
by Jerusalem Perspective
July 9, 2015
Under the direction of David Bivin, Jerusalem Perspective has launched an attempt to reconstruct the account of Jesus’ life which, according to church tradition, was written in Hebrew by Jesus’ disciple Matthew. Although this ancient eyewitness account is no longer extant, we believe that significant portions of this source have been preserved in the canonical Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.
by Prof Johan Malan
Revelation is important because it is the last divinely inspired Bible book that was written. It is rightly positioned as the Bible’s final book. As the New Testament opens with the four Gospels relating to the first coming of Christ, so the book of Revelation closes the New Testament with the general theme of the second coming of Christ.
By writing it down, John ensured that this important message would find its way to the entire church of Christ. In verse 2 he states that what he has described is an accurate record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He is therefore merely a messenger of that which God Himself wishes to address to the church through Jesus Christ. Peter also plainly states the importance of the prophetic word.
by Prof Johan Malan
By writing it down, John ensured that this important message would find its way to the entire church of Christ. In verse 2 he states that what he has described is an accurate record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. He is therefore merely a messenger of that which God Himself wishes to address to the church through Jesus Christ. Peter also plainly states the importance of the prophetic word.
by Prof Johan Malan
As will be evident from the discussion that follows, there is a great difference between the Church of Christ and the Christian church. The former includes those who sincerely belong to Christ because they have been washed from their sins in His blood. The latter includes all those who belong to Christian churches – including the nominal Christians who are not yet saved.
by Prof Johan Malan
The promise of the rapture is of critical importance for a correct understanding of Revelation. This subject has become so controversial because of the modern theological decline that we need to make clear what the Bible teaches about it. The word caught up in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 (harpazo in Greek) means to be snatched away quickly.
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