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The Day of the Lord 5. The judgement seat of Christ (Rev. 4-5)

by Prof Johan Malan

All Christians have a definite appointment to appear before the judgement seat of Christ – whether they were good servants or not. Some of them will receive rewards, while others will stand empty-handed. The fact is that the servants of the Lord will have to give account of themselves.

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The Day of the Lord 5. The judgement seat of Christ (Rev. 4-5)

by Prof Johan Malan

All Christians have a definite appointment to appear before the judgement seat of Christ – whether they were good servants or not. Some of them will receive rewards, while others will stand empty-handed. The fact is that the servants of the Lord will have to give account of themselves.

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The Day of the Lord 6. The seven seals (Rev. 6)

by Prof Johan Malan

The first half of the tribulation will be characterised by a false peace, as well as by political, social, economic, and religious initiatives to unite humanity under the leadership of the Antichrist. When his peace and unification efforts fail, he will resort to an unprecedented reign of terror during the last 3½ years and introduce the bloodiest dictatorship the world has ever seen.

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The Day of the Lord 7. Salvation in the hour of darkness (Rev. 7)

by Prof Johan Malan

Many people make the mistake of failing to identify Israel in the apocalyptic events of Revelation. Because of this ignorance, much of the Biblical perspective on the great tribulation is lost, as well as one of the most important prophetic signs of the end of the church’s dispensation, namely the restoration of the people of Israel and their capital city, Jerusalem.

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The Day of the Lord 8. The seven trumpets (Rev. 8-10)

by Prof Johan Malan

The trumpet judgements that will be announced in the tribulation period will in most cases destroy a third of their targets. Both the physical creation and humanity will be affected. The first four trumpets cause a partial ecological collapse on earth. Many people and animals will die as a result of it.

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The Day of the Lord 9. The temple and the two witnesses (Rev. 11)

by Prof Johan Malan

This prophecy was written 25 years after the temple of Herod was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD, and can therefore only refer to a third, future rebuilt temple in Jerusalem. The third temple, which will be completed and put into service during the first half of the tribulation period. Because the world will be in spiritual darkness after the rapture, the Lord will raise up special witnesses to gather a harvest for the kingdom of God among Israel and the nations during that time.

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The Kingdom of God: God’s Power Among Believers

by Robert L. Lindsey  
January 1, 1990

One of the greatest theological controversies in the last century concerns the meaning of the terms “kingdom of God” and “kingdom of heaven.” Because scholars have not given adequate attention to the fact that these are completely Hebraic terms, confusion has arisen concerning the period of time to which the kingdom refers, who take part in it and the exact nature of the kingdom.

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The Day of the Lord 10. The escape of Israel (Rev. 12)

by Prof Johan Malan

In the middle of the tribulation period Satan will make another effort to wipe Israel from the face of the earth. He wants to prevent the survival of a remnant of the nation who can meet the Messiah on the Mount of Olives to be spiritually restored and established in the millennial kingdom as the head of the nations. Satan knows very well if that happens it will be at the cost of his own world empire under the leadership of the Antichrist.

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The Day of the Lord 11. The Antichrist’s reign of terror (Rev. 13)

by Prof Johan Malan

After the 3½ year period of false peace has expired and has given place to the 3½ years of the great tribulation it will also be, spiritually, the darkest time in world history. The satanic triumvirate of the dragon (Satan), the beast (Antichrist), and the false prophet will then assume dictatorial powers on earth. They will make concerted efforts to crush the power of the Triune God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by destroying all people who worship the God of heaven. The Antichrist will claim the position of God.

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The Day of the Lord 12. Characteristics of the Antichrist (Rev. 13)

by Prof Johan Malan

There are various opposites or contrasting statements in the book of Revelation, emerging from the great conflict between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. The antithesis between God and Satan is the reason for the evil struggle of Satan to become the ruler of the universe in the place of God. He is also intent on influencing and controlling, and even destroying, the human race which is part of the creation of God.

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