by Matt Slick
Yes, Christianity is intolerant because its founder, Jesus, was intolerant. Christianity is intolerant of false gods and false gospels.
by Michael Houdmann
In order to understand absolute or universal truth, we must begin by defining truth.
October 28, 2019
Historically, eugenics encouraged people of so-called healthy, superior stock to reproduce and discouraged reproduction of the mentally challenged or anyone who fell outside the social norm.
by World Medical Association
October 26, 2019
The WMA reiterates its strong commitment to the principles of medical ethics and that utmost respect has to be maintained for human life. Therefore, the WMA is firmly opposed to euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide.
by Steve Doughty – The Daily Mail
June 11, 2015
Thousands of elderly people have been killed by their own GPs without ever asking to die under Belgium’s euthanasia laws, an academic report said yesterday.
by Don Stewart
The intermediate state is the time in which the spirit, or soul, of the believer exists between physical death and the resurrection of the body. Though the Bible does not have a whole lot to say concerning the intermediate state of the believer, there are some basic conclusions we can make.
by Kathryn Butler
Octber 31, 2018
Scripture points us to the sanctity of mortal life, and to our imperative as God’s image-bearers to protect life and commit our days to his glory.
by Back to Jerusalem
A One World Religion Headquarters is set to open in 2022. The headquarters will be called The Abrahamic Family House and is being built on an island in the middle eastern city of Abu Dhabi.
by Jack Ashcraft
September 30, 2021
The one-world religion, for all its emphasis on inclusivity, will not tolerate biblical Christianity. In fact, it will seek our destruction. The martyrdom of Christians who refuse to worship the image of the Beast will be seen as a good thing for humanity.
by Carrie Earll
April 19, 2021
The Bible is far from silent on the topic of the sanctity of human life, especially preborn life in the womb.
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