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The tragic story of Tanzanian Albinos – hunted for body parts for witchcraft

by ZME Science

It saddens me to say this, but most of the time, the “civilized world” just prefers to a blind eye towards what is happening in Africa – many atrocities have been taking place for decades, and most people just want to ignore them; right now, I’d like to shed some light on what it’s like to be an albino in Africa – especially in Tanzania.

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The tragic story of Tanzanian Albinos – hunted for body parts for witchcraft

by ZME Science

It saddens me to say this, but most of the time, the “civilized world” just prefers to a blind eye towards what is happening in Africa – many atrocities have been taking place for decades, and most people just want to ignore them; right now, I’d like to shed some light on what it’s like to be an albino in Africa – especially in Tanzania.

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What does the Bible say to do with a rebellious child?

by Michael Houdmann

Assuming that the rebellious child naturally possesses a strong-willed personality, he will be characterized by an inclination to test limits, an overriding desire for control, and a commitment to resisting all authority. In other words, rebellion is his middle name. In addition, these strong-willed, rebellious children are often very intelligent and can “figure out” situations with amazing speed, finding ways to take control of the circumstances and people around them. These kids can be, for their parents, an extremely trying and exhausting challenge.

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The Dangerous Pharmaceutical Industry: “American Addict”

By Patrick Flynn
March 5, 2014

On Thursday, February 27th, The Pell Center for International Relations and Public Policy and the Salve Regina student film club screened the 2012 documentary “American Addict.”  The film presented shocking statistics about the overuse of prescription pills and examined the corrupt system that has produced this dangerous situation. America represents 5% of the world’s population but consumes 50% of the world’s prescription pills and the makers of the documentary had a clear mission to explain that this is no accident.

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The Status of the Embryo

Christian Medical Fellowship

The status of the embryo is fundamental to discussions on fertility treatments, genetics, contraception and abortion. If the embryo is nothing other than ‘human tissue’ then clearly it is expendable, but if it is ‘a human being with potential’ then it should be treated with the utmost respect. The issue is controversial even among Bible-believing Christians, but if there is doubt then surely we should give the human embryo the benefit of that doubt (Rom 14:23). Here are some of the common arguments raised by secular philosophers and biologists along with possible ways of countering them:

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Is elephant and rhino poaching funding terrorism?

by Save The Rhino

Illegal wildlife trafficking is one of the world’s top criminal activities – ranked alongside drugs, arms and human trafficking. Rhino poaching is being carried out by criminal gangs, potentially linked to extremist groups with sophisticated multi-national networks.

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Future: A world without Israel

by Palestinian Media Watch

The PA promises its people that in the future, the State of Israel will be completely erased and replaced by a State of Palestine. A Fatah member of Palestinian parliament, Najat Abu Bakr, told PA TV that the PA supports and adopts the “stages plan.” To the world, the PA claims that the Palestinians seek the West Bank and Gaza Strip, when in fact the goal is all of Israel.

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U.S. concerned about Russian arms sales to Iran

by Barbara Starr, CNN Pentagon Correspondent
August 20, 2015

U.S. officials are concerned that Russia is moving ahead with plans to sell Iran a sophisticated missile defense system that could undercut Washington’s ability to challenge Tehran’s airspace. The advanced S-300 air defense system would mean that U.S. or Israeli warplanes likely couldn’t sneak into Iranian airspace if they wanted to bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities.

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Will We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven?

by Dillon Burroughs

One of our most anticipated desires for heaven is the ability to reunite with loved ones in Christ who have gone before us. What does the Bible say about our ability to recognize our loved ones in heaven?

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