by Ergun Caner
A comparison chart of Christianity and Islam.
by Ergun Caner
A comparison chart of Christianity and Islam.
by Dr. Steven Riser
Why does it seem that the collective fabric of our society is becoming unraveled amid the revelations of lust, greed and immorality in high and low places? What is happening and where are we headed? Has there ever been a more critical time in history when we needed people of integrity?
by Pastor Anton Bosch
June 9, 2015
The Christian is locked in an intense war. Many of us, however, are so interested in fighting an external war with the Devil that we forget that the most important battle is not with external forces, but within our own mind, heart and thoughts. These verses above contain the keys to victory in an area where most Christians are constantly defeated.
by Pastor Anton Bosch
July 23, 2015
In the confrontation between Elijah and the prophets of Baal we find a graphic demonstration of the difference between the true fire of God and the lack of fire in false revival.Many of the techniques of the prophets of Baal are still repeated in churches today. “Christian TV” abounds with those who claim revival, miracles and a move of God, but it is all smoke and mirrors and no fire.
by John Matthews
July 27, 2015
Did you know that there’s a “forbidden chapter” in the Tanakh? What’s been hidden from us all these years? It’s changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people!
by John Matthews
July 27, 2015
Did you know that there’s a “forbidden chapter” in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)? What’s been hidden from us all these years? It’s changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jewish people!
by All About
Crystal healing is a form of healing that uses crystals or gemstones. The crystals are mainly placed on specific areas of the body called “chakras.” Chakra is a Hindu term meaning spiritual energy. According to this teaching there are seven basic energy centers in the body, each having a color associated with it. Some crystal healers place the same color crystals as the color of the chakras on the person to enhance the flow of energy.
by Chris Lawson
August 5, 2015
As more and more churches and Christian movements are being boldly deceived into embracing occult principles wrapped in Christian terminology, the discerning believer in Christ must not remain silent!Desiring to educate the local body of Christ about the necessity of biblical discernment in such times, this audio message was given at an informal small group study where Chris formerly served for 10 years as a fellow church planter and pastor.
by Chris Lawson
August 5, 2015
As more and more churches and Christian movements are being boldly deceived into embracing occult principles wrapped in Christian terminology, the discerning believer in Christ must not remain silent!Desiring to educate the local body of Christ about the necessity of biblical discernment in such times, this audio message was given at an informal small group study where Chris formerly served for 10 years as a fellow church planter and pastor.
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