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Sorcery: Ushering in a “Blissful” Christless Eternity

by McMahon, T.A.
July 1, 2015

 t is an extraordinarily deceptive scheme of the Adversary to deny a dying person what may be the final opportunity for salvation by wrapping one’s last days of physical life in a cloak of psychedelic bliss. Heartbreakingly, this drug wave will certainly increase in the days ahead, as Pollan points out: “Many of the researchers and therapists I interviewed are confident that psychedelic therapy will eventually become routine.

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10 Facts About Child Soldiers You Should Know

by Elizabeth Brown
February 27, 2014

SEATLLE, Washington — Child soldiers have been exploited throughout history and are currently involved in the conflict in Syria. There are many misinterpretations around how and why child become involved in conflict and how to help children recover from trauma. Here are ten facts that everyone should know about child soldiers.

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16 reasons nuke deal is an Iranian victory and a Western catastrophe

by David Horovitz
July 21, 2015

Op-ed: Has Iran agreed to ‘anywhere, anytime’ inspections, an end to R&D on faster centrifuges, and the dismantling of its key nuclear sites? No, no, and no. Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani on Tuesday unsurprisingly hailed the nuclear agreement struck with US-led world powers, and derided the “failed” efforts of the “warmongering Zionists.” His delight, Iran’s delight, is readily understandable.

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Sir Nicholas Winton Dies at 106; British Hero Saved 669 Jewish Children From Holocaust

by Rebecca Macatee
July 1, 2015

Sir Nicholas Winton, a British man who helped save hundreds of Jewish children from the Holocaust during World War II, has passed away at the age of 106. Winton, nicknamed the “British Schindler,” remained quiet for nearly half a century about his acts of heroism, including his role in organizing trains to rescue 669 children bound for Nazi concentration camps.

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Sir Nicholas Winton Dies at 106; British Hero Saved 669 Jewish Children From Holocaust

by Rebecca Macatee
July 1, 2015

Sir Nicholas Winton, a British man who helped save hundreds of Jewish children from the Holocaust during World War II, has passed away at the age of 106. Winton, nicknamed the “British Schindler,” remained quiet for nearly half a century about his acts of heroism, including his role in organizing trains to rescue 669 children bound for Nazi concentration camps.

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Mexico’s Congress Votes To Ban Animal Circuses As U.S. Lags Behind

by Stephen Messenger
Decembe 12, 2014

In a historic vote on Thursday, one which marks a significant step toward preventing exploitation of animals, Mexico’s congress approved a new measure to ban animal circuses nationwide — joining a small, but growing list of nations which have already outlawed the controversial practice. In their opinion, Congress wrote that “the use of animals in circuses provides no educational value to viewers,” saying that the animals exhibited in circuses only perform “because they fear what may happen if they do not.”

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Vatican signs treaty recognizing State of Palestine

by AFP and Times of Israel staff
June 26, 2015

The Vatican on Friday signed a historic accord with Palestine, two years after officially recognizing it as a state, in a move criticized by the Israeli Foreign Ministry. The accord, a treaty covering the life and activity of the Church in Palestine, was the first since the Vatican recognized the Palestinian state in February 2013. The step was agreed in principle last month and condemned by Israel as a setback for the peace process.

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Iran endorses nuclear EMP attack on United States

by Paul Bedard
 June 26, 2015

The spiritual leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, is warning the U.S. to stay out of his country’s business and, in particular, its nuclear program, which is set to resume this week. Speaking on a tour of southeast Iran, Khamenei said the US “deserved a punch in the mouth.” From where does this brashness come? It comes from Iran’s plans to launch an Electro-Magnetic Pulse Nuclear war against the USA and Europe, crippling the West in the War on terror.

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