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10 Ways the world is biased against Israel

by David Harris
June 16, 2015    

Notwithstanding the fact that Israel embodies an age-old connection with the Jewish people as repeatedly cited in the most widely read book in the world, the Bible, that it was created based on the 1947 recommendation of the UN, and that it has been a member of the world body since 1949, there’s a relentless chorus of nations, institutions, and individuals denying Israel’s very political legitimacy.

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The Truth about the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement

by Facts & Logic

Leaders of the effort to boycott, divest from and apply sanctions against Israel — the so-called BDS movement — say they stand for an “end to the occupation of the Palestinian territories,” “justice in Palestine” and “freedom for the Palestinian people.” But what are the real motives of BDS leaders — do they really want peace between Israel and the Palestinian people?

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U.S. Supreme Court Ruling – Zivitovsky vs Kerry – Another Turn Against Israel

by Bill Randles
June 14th, 2015

Congress passed a law in 2002, but the court ruled that it is the Executive branch that has jurisdiction in foreign policy. In other words, Jerusalem is not the capital of Israel, even if Congress says it is, unless the President says it is. The Prophet Zechariah predicted 2,500 years ago that in the Last Days the issue of the status of Jerusalem would consume the attention of the entire world.

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Anti-Christ and the Assyrian Connection – Updated

by A. V. Rauf
May 6, 2015

Damascus is the capital of Syria and its second largest city, with about 2.6 million people in the metropolitan area. Today Syria is in the midst of a civil war. As a continuation of Arab Spring, as leaders are being ousted and replaced, there is also a movement to oust Syrian President Bashar Assad.  Damascus has already suffered a great deal of damage, but according the above mentioned Scriptures, Damascus will be taken away from being a city. Today, fighting in Damascus is on the rise.

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Assisted suicide: doctors should have none of it

by Peter Saunders
July 8, 2013

Lord Falconer’s Assisted Dying Bill would grant new powers enabling doctors to dispense lethal drugs to mentally competent adults, judged to have six months or less to live and who have a ‘settled wish’ to end their lives. As such it runs counter to the Hippocratic Oath and Judeo-Christian ethic and threatens to turn 2,500 years of medical history on its head.

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Does science contradict religion?

by Philip Vander Elst

The common assumption that science contradicts religion can be illustrated either from your own personal experience, if this is relevant, or by quoting the words of atheistic scientists, philosophers or journalists. Richard Dawkins, for example, has described the idea of God as “a very naïve, childish concept”, and similar comments have been made by many other Darwinian scientists.

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Intelligent Design: Can Science Answer the Question, Does God Exist?

by Jim Springer

Is there evidence of God’s existence inherent in the universe, solar system, earth and the human body? Are there marks of intelligent design all around us? Let’s look at the incredible complexity and precision that exists and see if it demonstrates the work of blind chance (evolution) or intelligent design.

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Intelligent design: Can science answer the question, does God exist?

by Jim Springer

Is there evidence of God’s existence inherent in the universe, solar system, earth and the human body? Are there marks of intelligent design all around us? Let’s look at the incredible complexity and precision that exists and see if it demonstrates the work of blind chance (evolution) or intelligent design.

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Jerusalem: A Trembling Cup Unto All Nations

by A.V. Rauf

The rebirth of the nation of Israel and the quest to establish Jerusalem as its capital has always been at the center of conflict between the Jews and the Arab-Islamic world. In all land negotiations that have been attempted notice that it was not the West Bank or Gaza or even the Golan Heights that have been the central point of contention. The issue has always been and ultimately will be the final status of Jerusalem. Of much importance is also the issue of the Temple Mount as well.

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