by All About God
The sovereignty of God represents the ability to exercise His holy will or supremacy. The Most High, Lord of Heaven and earth, has unlimited power to do what He has resolved
by All About God
God, who is eternal, is not limited by time. He rules simultaneously over all human history, beyond the physical limitations of any timeline.
by Michael Snyder
March 10, 2022
By the end of 2022, we are going to witness very serious shortages of food in many parts of the globe. In fact, World Bank President David Malpass is openly admitting that we are now facing “a huge supply shock” as a result of the war in Ukraine.
by PNW Staff
May 3, 2022
Most Christians recognize that current chip implants are not the actual “mark of the beast”, yet there is concern that acceptance of such technology is conditioning people for when the real one does come along.
by Britt Gillette
April 1, 2022
All the signs Jesus and the prophets said to look for are present today. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic. Israel is back in the land. The Jewish people are back in Jerusalem. And the Gospel is being preached throughout the world. Time is short. Spread the Gospel while you still can.
by Wikipedia
Child prostitution is prostitution involving a child, and it is a form of commercial sexual exploitation of children. The term normally refers to prostitution of a minor, or person under the legal age of consent.
by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz
A bombshell prediction was dropped in Davos that the world is well on its way to implementing an electronic banking system that would open every transaction of every person to government scrutiny.
by Ilse Pauw, clinical psychologist and former researcher at SWEAT
According to research conducted by the Sex Worker Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT), a Cape Town organisation providing health education to sex workers, a “profile” of sex workers does not exist as a wide range of people enter the profession.
by Jared Justice
Prostitution is something that has been around for centuries, and for the past few years there has been a debate as to whether it should be legalized or not. No matter a person’s legal leanings, it is difficult to refute the fact that prostitution has negative effects on society.
by Focus on the Family
Willful, repeated sinful behavior can cement such fundamentally flawed logic — what the Bible calls a hardening of our hearts or being given over to “a depraved mind”. It’s not that God wouldn’t take us back. Instead, we have no desire to return.
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