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Who is the God of the Bible?

by Blue Letter Bible

When we speak of God’s attributes, we are talking about those characteristics that helps us to understand who He truly is. That which follows is a thorough, yet incomplete list and summary of His attributes.

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Canada’s indigenous schools policy was ‘cultural genocide’, says report

by John Barber
June, 2 2015

Canadian governments and churches pursued a policy of “cultural genocide” against the country’s aboriginal people throughout the 20th century, according to an investigation into a long-suppressed history that saw 150,000 Native, or First Nations, children forcibly removed from their families and incarcerated in residential schools rife with abuse.

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Senate approves sweeping reforms to NSA phone surveillance

by  Steven Musil
June 2, 2015  

Passage of the USA Freedom Act has reversed the controversial national security policy created after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The US Senate on Tuesday approved the USA Freedom Act, legislation that will curtail the federal government’s sweeping surveillance of millions of Americans’ phone records.

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Direct care and rescue of the great apes

by In Defense of Animals

Great apes will remain under the rapidly increasing threat of extinction until it becomes socially unacceptable to kill or eat chimpanzees and gorillas. Our outreach programs focus on increasing awareness about chimpanzees’ intelligence and emotional capacity, their similarity to humans, their endangered status and the laws against exploiting them.

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Hunting – “the murderous business”

by In Defense of Animals

Hunting may have played an important role, next to plant gathering and scavenging, for human survival in prehistoric times, but the modern “sportsman” stalks and kills animals for “recreation.” Hunting is a violent and cowardly form of outdoor “entertainment” that kills hundreds of millions of animals every year, many of whom are wounded and die a slow and painful death. Hunters cause injuries, pain and suffering to defenseless animals, destroy their families and habitat, and leave terrified and dependent baby animals behind to starve to death.

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Keeping a Pure Conscience

by John MacArthur

Our culture has declared war on guilt. The very concept is considered medieval, obsolete, unproductive. People who trouble themselves with feelings of personal guilt are usually referred to therapists, whose task it is to boost their self-image. No one, after all, is supposed to feel guilty. Guilt is not conducive to dignity and self-esteem. Society encourages sin, but it will not tolerate the guilt sin produces.

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