by Dr Serge Solomons
April 16, 2015
Xenophobia has again risen its ugly head in South Africa. This time the epicentre of the carnage and destruction is Durban, Kwazulu Natal. Newspapers report that at least 6 people (including a 14 year old boy) have lost their lives in xenophobic clashes. Foreign owned shops and businesses have been looted and destroyed by a mob of people bent on attacking foreigners in their midst.
by Mario Seiglie
May 21, 2005
As scientists explore a new universe – the universe inside the cell – they are making startling discoveries of information systems more complex than anything ever devised by humanity’s best minds. How did they get there, and what does it mean for the theory of evolution?
by Frank Sherwin, M.A.
If someone were to ask a creation scientist for evidence of creation, he may very well reply, “The DNA molecule.” Everyone has heard of this “molecule of life” found in virtually every cell in our body. DNA is organized into chromosomes (people have 46) upon which many thousands of genes (units of heredity, comprised of nucleotide bases called T, G, C, and A) are found.
by Robin Schumacher
July 8, 2012
Noted Christian apologist and author Ravi Zacharias says the one question that has haunted him the most throughout his ministry was asked by a Hindu acquaintance: “If this conversion you speak about is truly supernatural, then why is it not more evident in the lives of so many Christians that I know?”
by Answers In Genesis
May 10, 1997
Strong evidence for a Designer comes from the fine-tuning of the universal constants and the solar system.
by Bringing Truth
This is a portion of a letter written from an atheist to a guy named Ray Comfort.
Ray, If you’re right about God, as you say you are, and you believe that, then how can you sleep at night? When you speak with me, you are speaking with someone who you believe is walking directly into eternal damnation, into an endless onslaught of horrendous pain which your ‘loving’ god created, yet you stand by and do nothing.
by Bringing Truth
For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?
Reviewed by Gary E. Gilley
Deep and Wide promotes the seeker-sensitive, market-driven approach of “doing church.” There is virtually nothing in the book that hasn’t been said or done by his “hero” Bill Hybels and others that teach the paradigm. From basing North Point’s programming on surveys and secular management (p. 14), to seeing people as consumers (p. 16) and a target audience that must be attracted.
by Avery Foley and Troy Lacey
October 3, 2014
Christians frequently run into the argument that “The Bible can’t be trusted because it has miracles, and they are clearly not possible because science doesn’t accept the miraculous.” How should believers respond?
by Rolaant L. McKenzie
Why do I believe that God exists and Christianity to be the only true religion? Why do I not accept the popular idea that one religion or philosophical worldview is just as good as another? These are important questions that deserve rational answers.
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