by David W Cloud
This is a well-documented examination of the influential writer C.S. Lewis, who is loved with an equal fervor by “conservative evangelicals,” hell-denying emergents, Roman Catholics, Mormons, and even some atheists. We examine Lewis’ weak conversion testimony, his heresies, and the reason why he is so popular today..
by David W Cloud
This is a well-documented examination of the influential writer C.S. Lewis, who is loved with an equal fervor by “conservative evangelicals,” hell-denying emergents, Roman Catholics, Mormons, and even some atheists. We examine Lewis’ weak conversion testimony, his heresies, and the reason why he is so popular today..
by Don Batten
This question is a major objection that atheists put forward to justify their disbelief.
by Christian Medical Fellowship
In a recent television interview Peter Ustinov, the famous actor, was asked for his ‘doctrine of man’. He gave the reply ‘Man is essentially good!’ and was rewarded with sustained applause from the audience. Even among those who believe in the reality of heaven and hell, the popular conception is that the latter is reserved only for arch villains like Stalin, Hitler or Genghis Khan – perhaps along with a handful of gang rapists and serial killers.
by Erik Manning
October 20, 2012
Recently I saw a skeptical friend of mine share a slogan very similar to this one. It makes a very powerful point, reducing to the absurd any notion of getting morality out of the pages of the Bible. On one hand the Bible seems to be condemning a loving relationship between two members of the same-sex, while at the same time endorsing such a reprehensible act as kidnapping Africans and shipping them overseas as pieces of property. Surely we’re beyond such an antiquated and silly book by now, right?
by Michael Houdmann
In order to understand absolute or universal truth, we must begin by defining truth. Truth, according to the dictionary, is “conformity to fact or actuality; a statement proven to be or accepted as true.” Some people would say that there is no true reality, only perceptions and opinions. Others would argue that there must be some absolute reality or truth.
by Chris Reese
April 26, 2015
In chapter 20 of their recent book Did God Really Command Genocide? Coming to Terms with the Justice of God, Paul Copan and Matthew Flannagan take up the question, “Does Religion Cause Violence?”
by Daryl Evans
The Bible clearly shows us that the “church” is not a structure or building but rather a body of believers. The Bible emphasizes the fact that followers of Jesus must regularly meet together. Choosing a church is one of the most important decisions that one can make in one’s life. Your church, in many ways, helps to shape who you are and your relationship with God. So where do we begin? How do I choose?
by Peter Saunders
As doctors we are exposed to suffering in a unique way. We grapple with it in our patients each day. Unless we want to insulate ourselves by becoming cynical and detached, we need to learn to cope with it and understand it. Suffering asks deep questions of us as Christians – not least ‘Why does it exist at all?’
Daniel Rodger
“Christianity is just a psychological crutch!” This is one of a group of common accusations framed against Christianity, which is why it is so important to examine and distinguish if there’s any truth in it. Is Christianity just a crutch for the weak, unintelligent and scared, or is it far more than that?
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