by Nicolai Sennels
September 27, 2013
Psychopathic people and behaviour are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths. The daily mass killings, terror, persecutions and family executions committed by the followers of Islam are nauseating, and the ingenuity behind the attacks — always looking for new and more effective ways of killing and terrorising people — is astonishing.
by BringingTRUTH
My first inclination is to agree with this statement. Before I do, let’s determine what is meant by the word “Church”. If you are saying that inside the church building on any given Sunday there are lots of hypocrites, I would tend to agree with you. The reason I say this is because not everyone who attends church on a weekly basis is a true follower of Jesus. Jesus himself taught this. He describes the true and false coexisting in the same congregation or at least claiming to be a follower of His.
by Bringing Truth
Among skeptics today, this is one of the most popular objections to Jesus. They say the story of Jesus is merely a copycat myth based on many ancient pagan religious “gods”, like Horus, Mithras, Osiris, Dionysis etc. They even go as far as to say that it is doubtful that Jesus even existed! The idea here is by comparing similarities of these individuals we can draw the conclusion that the one who came after is simply a copycat.
by Elizabeth A. McAlister
Rastafari, also spelled Ras Tafari, religious and political movement, begun in Jamaica in the 1930s and adopted by many groups around the globe, that combines Protestant Christianity, mysticism, and a pan-African political consciousness.
by Emma Farge and Alex Whiting
April 14, 2015
Boko Haram Islamic militants have kidnapped at least 2,000 girls and women since the start of last year, turning them into cooks, sex slaves and fighters, and sometimes killing those who refused to comply, Amnesty International said on Tuesday. The human rights group’s 90-page report based on dozens of interviews with witnesses and escaped abductees comes a year after the group seized more than 200 schoolgirls from Chibok, a community deep inside an area of northeastern Nigeria the fighters claimed as their calipha.
by Alf Cengia
April 10, 2015
As Christians we acknowledge the fact of spiritual warfare. We understand that this is the world we live in. Yet I wonder if we’re always aware just how close and personal it is. We’re often tired of running our races and we tend to lose our focus. However, the enemy never relaxes. He is always up close and personal. Skeptics will naturally laugh at spiritual warfare; picturing Christians hunting for demons in every corner and closet of their households. I can understand that.
by Matt Slick
Yes it is intolerant. In fact, it is very intolerant to say that Jesus is the way the truth and the life and that no one can get to God except through Him as Jesus Himself said in John 14:6. It is also intolerant to state that there is no other name under heaven other than Jesus by which a person can be forgiven of his sins. Jesus was even more intolerant of religious hypocrisy when He condemned the religious know-it-alls and called them hypocrites and deceivers.
by Drazen Jorgic
April 3, 2015
Somalia’s al-Shabab Islamist group claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it had released Muslims while killing some Christians and taking many others hostage inside. “We sorted people out and released the Muslims,” Sheikh Abdiasis Abu Musab, al-Shabab’s military operations spokesman, said.
by Eliran Aharon and Ari Yashar
March 27, 2015
Democratic assemblyman slams Obama who is ‘desperate’ for a foreign policy accomplishment at Israel’s expense. Arutz Sheva got the chance to speak with Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-NY) about the fallout between US President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, which historians have assessed as being “unprecedented.”
by Philip Bell
February 7, 2007
The title of this book immediately betrays the bias of the author – even for those unacquainted with the writings of this Professor of the (so-called) Public Understanding of Science of Oxford University, Richard Dawkins.
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