by Daniel Mann
If anyone was a skeptic about Jews believing in Jesus, I was. Born to second-generation Jewish American parents in Brooklyn, I experienced much anti-Semitism growing up in the 1950s and ‘60s. Since my persecutors weren’t Jewish, I assumed they were Christian. When I was 14, there was talk that a certain Jewish family in my neighborhood had converted to Christianity. I was filled with disgust. How could Jews do such a thing?
by Jews for Jesus
April 21, 2021
Evidence of Jewish people following Yeshua as the Messiah can be traced back to about AD 30. All of Yeshua’s first followers were Jewish, and the writers of the New Testament were Jewish.
by Jews for Jesus
April 23 2018
It is an all-too-common assumption that the concept of the Trinity is a purely Christian idea. But the idea of a God being a three-in-one unity actually has its roots in foundational Judaism and in the Hebrew Scriptures.
by Jews for Jesus
April 18 2018
The law states that Jews who believe in Jesus are not Jews for the purpose of making aliyah and the implication can be drawn that they are not Jews for any purpose. This has become increasingly problematic as there are more and more Israeli born Jews who have embraced Jesus as Messiah.
by Ben Volman
It is a widely-held misconception that a Jewish person who follows Yeshua as Messiah is no longer Jewish. This view has been mistakenly repeated both by Christians and Jews.
by Celebrate Messiah
The meaning which we crave, whether we are aware of it or not, is built into the fabric of the universe. But how are we to discern it?
November 8, 2019
At one time, the elite at least attempted to conceal their boundless enthusiasm for population control from the general public, but now they aren’t even trying to hide it anymore.
by Life Institute
Although pregnancy weakens suicidal impulses, there is strong evidence that abortion dramatically increases the risk of suicide.
by Lila Rose, President and founder of Live Action
April 4, 2021
Today, thanks to Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood, the most dehumanized among us is the child in the womb. This child is not even considered a human being worthy of basic legal protection. Preborn children are routinely dismembered, suctioned to death, deprived of nutrients or given lethal injections, all with the consent of the law and in the name of “rights.”
by JCO Oncology Practice
Physician Assisted Suicide or Physician Aid in Dying is fundamentally inconsistent with the physician’s role as professional and trusted healer. The physician’s professional role is to use his or her knowledge, insight, and healing skills to aid the patient, not to kill the patient.
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