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Jerusalem’s End-time Restoration

by Prof. Johan Malan

During the coming tribulation period the Jewish temple will be built here and sacrifices reinstituted. In the middle of this week the false messiah (the Antichrist) will declare himself to be God in the rebuilt temple and persecute all Jews who refuse to accept and worship him as God. At the end of the year-week the Antichrist will besiege Jerusalem and the entire land of Israel. He will know that the true King of the Jews, Jesus the Messiah, will return to destroy His enemies, save the remnant in Israel and restore the throne of David in Jerusalem.

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Jerusalem’s End-time Restoration

by Prof. Johan Malan

During the coming tribulation period the Jewish temple will be built here and sacrifices reinstituted. In the middle of this week the false messiah (the Antichrist) will declare himself to be God in the rebuilt temple and persecute all Jews who refuse to accept and worship him as God. At the end of the year-week the Antichrist will besiege Jerusalem and the entire land of Israel. He will know that the true King of the Jews, Jesus the Messiah, will return to destroy His enemies, save the remnant in Israel and restore the throne of David in Jerusalem.

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Christmas Slaughter – Muslim Persecution of Christians, December 2014

by Raymond Ibrahim
February 1, 2015

Please take note that the author has been reporting on the persecution of Christians by Muslims since July 2011.  The incidents below are only for ONE month – December 2014.  

Then I saw thrones, and seated on them were those to whom the authority to judge was committed. Also I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and for the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years – Revelation 20:4

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ISIS’s Strategic Threat: Ideology, Recruitment, Political Economy

by The New Middle East
August 17, 2014

ISIS’ desire to unite all Muslims under a caliphate relates back to its Wahhabi roots that provide the foundation for its ideology, particularly the notion of the Unity of ‘God’ (al-tawhid).  Because only ISIS defends Islam against the West, it is incumbent on Muslims everywhere to obey its orders and support it on the battlefield in Iraq and Syria to attack its enemies in their own countries..

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Prayer: the privilege of approaching God

by Matt Lillicrap

When you pick up an article or book, or hear a talk addressing prayer, what’s your usual reaction? Many of us soon feel guilty. Guilty that we don’t pray as much as we should or as widely as we should. Guilty that we simply don’t pray. Why don’t I pray? What’s the problem here? Where is my view of prayer going wrong? What is it about my view of God, or of myself as I pray that needs adjusting?

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What kind of things do and do not prove the genuineness of saving faith?

by Grace to You

Churches today are filled with people who hold to a faith that does not save. James referred to this as a “dead faith”-meaning a mere empty profession. Paul wrote to the people in the church at Corinth to test or examine themselves to see if they were truly in the faith. Here is a list of seven conditions that do not prove or disprove the genuineness of saving faith. One can be a Christian and possess these things or one may not be a Christian at all and still possess them. While they don’t prove or disprove one’s faith, they’re important to know and understand so you will not be deceived.

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What kind of things do and do not prove the genuineness of saving faith?

by Grace to You

Churches today are filled with people who hold to a faith that does not save. James referred to this as a “dead faith”-meaning a mere empty profession. Paul wrote to the people in the church at Corinth to test or examine themselves to see if they were truly in the faith. Here is a list of seven conditions that do not prove or disprove the genuineness of saving faith. One can be a Christian and possess these things or one may not be a Christian at all and still possess them. While they don’t prove or disprove one’s faith, they’re important to know and understand so you will not be deceived.

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Newsweek attacks belief in Scripture

by Lita Cosner
8 January 2015

A prestigious publication like Newsweek is read by millions every week, so one would think they would exercise due diligence in making sure that their articles were factually accurate, and at least retain some semblance of journalistic impartiality. All such standards were clearly not taken seriously in the recent front-page story by Kurt Eichenwald titled “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin”.1 Eichenwald shows no integrity as a reporter, and if he had done research even on something as basic as Wikipedia, many of his errors would be corrected. But fault also lies with his editors and everyone who had a hand in publishing this embarrassingly bad screed.

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Netanyahu Risks All To Address Congress, Sees the Threat of “Apocalyptic Islam”

by Joel Rosenberg
March 03, 2015

Why does Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu want to address a Joint Session of Congress despite intense – even unprecedented — political attacks against him from the Obama administration, the media, and the left-wing in Israel? Because he understands something too few in the West do – that the most serious threat we face today is not simply from “Radical Islam,” but from “Apocalyptic Islam.”

“I think the West misunderstood, and still misunderstands, the threat” posed by Iran, Mr. Netanyahu told me during a 2007 interview for a documentary film I was producing. “It is a fanatic, messianic ideology that seeks to have an apocalyptic battle for world supremacy with the West. It seeks to correct what it sees as an accident of history, where the West has risen, and Islam had declined. The correction is supposed to be done by the resurrection of an Islamic empire and the acquisition of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear weapons, if necessary, to obliterate Islam’s enemies, and to subjugate the rest.”

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