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Östliche Meditation und Christentum

Prof. Johan Malan

Die östliche Meditation gewinnt unter weiten Teilen der Namenschristen im Westen einen immer größeren Einfluss. In vielen christlichen Kirchen, Gemeinden und Gruppierungen wird das Gebet zunehmend durch Meditation ersetzt – was man auch als Kontemplation, Gebet der Sammlung (centering prayer) oder Stillegebet bezeichnet. Meditation wird oft von Yoga-Übungen oder entspannenden Atemübungen begleitet, um eine mentale Verlagerung von der rationalen linken Hirnhälfte zur intuitiven rechten Hirnhälfte zu erreichen.

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Countdown für den Kommenden New Age Christus

by Prof. Johan Malan
12. März 2008

Professor Johan Malan erteilte freundlicherweise seine Genehmigung den vorliegenden Artikel ins Deutsche zu übersetzen. Professor Malan, Sohn eines Südafrika-Missionars, lehrte 28 Jahre lang an der Fakultät für Anthropologie der Universität von Limpopo, Südafrika, bis er 2006 in den Ruhestand ging. 1980 initiierte er einen überkonfessionellen Dienst und veröffentlichte Bücher und Artikel zu verschiedenen evangelikalen Themen.

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Weaning Evangelicals off the Word – Part 2

by McMahon, T.A.
March 1, 2007

Last month, in part one of this series, we quoted the Apostle Paul speaking about how Christians would view doctrine in the time prior to the return of Christ for His church: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables” (2 Timothy:4:3,4). Obviously, biblical doctrine will not be looked upon favorably. The implication is that doctrine will be regarded as rather burdensome, something that Christians of the future won’t want to “endure.”

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Emily Hobhouse – Discarded Angel (9 April 1860 – 8 June 1926)

by ZAR

Emily HobhouseAlthough she was a British citizen, Emily Hobhouse has become an honorary South African through her selfless and courageous actions, which exposed the inhumanity of concentration camps during the Anglo-Boer war (1899-1902). She was raised in the tiny village of St. Ive near Liskeard in East Cornwall. Her father was rector of the Anglican church for fifty-one years.

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The Marriage Supper of the Lamb

by Dr. Thomas Ice

Recently at a prophecy conference I was ask if there was a difference in the Bible between the marriage of the bride (the church) to the Lamb and the marriage supper of the Lamb. I answered that I believe that Scripture indicates that there is a difference in these things and that they are two events that will take place at two different times in history. Let me show you why I think this way.

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What’s wrong with legalizing prostitution?

by Janice Shaw Crouse
March 3, 2010

Our culture markets the Pretty Woman myth of the glamorous prostitute earning big money from handsome johns. That works occasionally — as long as the girl is young, beautiful, and lucky. Even then, the ravages of prostitution over time are not pretty.

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Unacceptable effects of legalizing prostitution

by Donal Dorr

A revealing account in tells of the quite horrifying effects of the legalization of prostitution in Germany. Those who had advocated legalized prostitution had argued that legalization would improve the rights of women (and men) in prostitution and would eliminate discrimination against them. In practice, however, quite the reverse has occurred.

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What does the Bible say about prostitution? Will God forgive a prostitute?

by Michael Houdmann

God forbids involvement with prostitutes because He knows such involvement is detrimental to both men and women. Prostitution not only destroys marriages, families, and lives, but it destroys the spirit and soul in a way that leads to physical and spiritual death. God’s desire is that we stay pure and use our bodies as tools for His use and glory.

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The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation

by David Wilkerson

A gospel of accommodation is creeping into the United States. It’s an American cultural invention to appease the lifestyle of luxury and pleasure. Primarily a Caucasian, suburban gospel, it’s also in our major cities and is sweeping the nation, influencing ministers of every denomination, and giving birth to megachurches with thousands who come to hear a nonconfronting message. It’s an adaptable gospel that is spoon-fed through humorous skits, drama, and short, nonabrasive sermonettes on how to cope—called a seeker-friendly or sinner-friendly gospel.

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