by Alchohol Rehab
Drinking alcohol lowers inhibitions and can cause some to make dangerous decisions such as driving under the influence.
by Sarah Zagorski
Jan 2, 2015
In 2013, 650 babies died under Holland’s assisted suicide law because their parents or doctors deemed their suffering too difficult to bear.
by Michael Houdmann
Eugenics is a social movement that supports the supposed improvement of the human population via selective breeding and other means. It was originally developed by Francis Galton, a cousin of Charles Darwin, and based upon Darwin’s theory of evolution. Eugenics was practiced openly in the early decades of the 20th century in many countries, including the United States. After WWII, eugenics by that name fell into disfavor when the extent of Nazi atrocities became known. Eugenicists advocate genetic screening, birth control, segregation, transhumanism, euthanasia, compulsory sterilization, forced pregnancies, and abortion.
by Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon
Precursors to the Ouija date back to ancient times. In China before the birth of Confucius, similar instruments were used to communicate with the dead. In Greece during the time of Pythagoras divination was done with a table that moved on wheels to point to signs, which were interpreted as revelations from the “unseen world.”
by Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon
Despite the warnings, many people view the Ouija board as a harmless pastime. However, Drs. Ankerberg and Weldon show evidence that there can be serious consequences for those who participate in its use.
by Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. John Weldon
Mantras are sacred sounds and mandalas are sacred pictures employed for specific spiritual purposes such as occult forms of meditation, enlightenment, and contact or union with various gods and deities. The se of mantras and mandalas is most frequently associated with traditional Hinduism and Buddhism. Many mantras and some mandalas are held to have originated as a supernatural revelation from the gods or spirits with which they are associated.
by David L Brown
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by Jeremy James
March 17,2010
C S Lewis is well known among born-again Christians as a ‘Christian’ writer, someone whose inclusive religious viewpoint is of particular relevance to the world we live in today. I would hope to show that this perception of Lewis is not only gravely mistaken but that it arose through deliberate misdirection on the part of Lewis himself.
Joseph G. Matter
December 03, 2014
During the days of Nazi Germany there arose a Confessing Church movement that rose against the German Church movement, which became the religious arm of the Fascist Nazi Socialist movement. Of the 18,000 pastors in Germany during that time (from 1933 to 1945), less than 5,000 were aligned with the Confessing Church. Hence, only a remnant held fast to the biblical position with about half of the churches conforming due to political and societal pressure.
by Dan Delzell
September 28, 2012
There are tremendous differences between “motivational speaking” and “biblical preaching.” In America today, many churches offer one or the other. One approach leaves people “encouraged” in their emotions and in their “self-esteem.” The other builds up Christians in the Gospel as the Holy Spirit applies the Scriptures to the hearts and minds of the hearers.
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