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Are We Heading Towards Tyranny?

by Maria Kneas – Lighthouse Trails author
May 1, 2014

History shows us that as free nations become complacent, they become vulnerable to manipulation. Most dictatorships rise gradually—a step at a time. Smooth-talking politicians make each incremental step seem reasonable, because the masses are blind to the tides of change.

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30 Population Control Quotes That Show That The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth.

by Michael Snyder
January 26, 2013

The people promoting this philosophy have very, very deep pockets, and they are actually convinced that they are helping to “save the world” by trying to reduce the size of the human population. Anything that reduces the human population in any way is a good thing for those that believe in this philosophy. This twisted philosophy is being promoted in our movies, in our television shows, in our music, in countless books, on many of the most prominent websites in the world, and it is being taught at nearly all of the most important colleges and universities on the planet.

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30 Population Control Quotes That Show That The Elite Truly Believe That Humans Are A Plague Upon The Earth.

by Michael Snyder
January 26, 2013

The people promoting this philosophy have very, very deep pockets, and they are actually convinced that they are helping to “save the world” by trying to reduce the size of the human population. Anything that reduces the human population in any way is a good thing for those that believe in this philosophy. This twisted philosophy is being promoted in our movies, in our television shows, in our music, in countless books, on many of the most prominent websites in the world, and it is being taught at nearly all of the most important colleges and universities on the planet.

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Child sex abuse – can we ignore it?

by Lighthouse Trails Editors
August 29, 2011

 What is sown today will bear fruit tomorrow. In other words, what we do for or against the younger generation (children, teens, and young adults) today will be evident in how they function as Christians tomorrow. If we give them sexual abuse, deceit, sensuality, mysticism, pride, arrogance, carnality, lust, surely we must realize what this will reap in the future.

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What Giraffes will do for a Drink

by Nathaniel Nelson

If you travel across the great savannahs of Africa, you will come upon animals of all shapes and sizes. Yet, as you look among them, none of these animals stands as tall as the giraffe. If you take a closer look, you might see the giraffe perform an amazing feat—bend down to get a drink of water. The giraffe is the world’s tallest terrestrial animal, and can reach well over 12 feet in height. As the giraffe leans over to get a drink, there are some interesting features at work beneath its famously patterned skin. One of these elements is the giraffe’s elongated neck.

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What’s wrong with being gay? – Homosexual behavior versus the Bible

by ChristianAnswers.Net

The issue of homosexual behavior has had a lot of publicity of late. Homosexuals say that the slaves have been freed and women have been liberated, so gay rights are long overdue. Society does seem to be moving in that direction. Many homosexuals are “coming out” and openly declaring their homosexuality. In many parts of the western world, homosexual couples receive the same recognition as heterosexual couples with regard to social security benefits. Some church leaders are giving their blessing to homosexual relationships, homosexual church members and even homosexual ministers.

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Presbyterian Church And Arab Palestinian Group Rewriting The Bible To Remove References To Israel

by Geri Ungurean

Have you heard that there is a new version of our Bible? But this version is unlike any prior version of God’s Word. This new version blatantly changes God’s Word. Any mention of Israel – gone. Any mention of Jesus being a Jew – gone. The movement which has brought the world a NEW bible, is called Palestinian Liberation Theology. At  its heart is hatred for the Jewish people and for Israel.

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Presbyterian Church And Arab Palestinian Group Rewriting The Bible To Remove References To Israel

by Geri Ungurean

Have you heard that there is a new version of our Bible? But this version is unlike any prior version of God’s Word. This new version blatantly changes God’s Word. Any mention of Israel – gone. Any mention of Jesus being a Jew – gone. The movement which has brought the world a NEW bible, is called Palestinian Liberation Theology. At  its heart is hatred for the Jewish people and for Israel.

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No One Is Stealing Palestinian Land

by Jerrold L. Sobel
November 13, 2011

In response to a recent essay I had written, the following letter was sent to me by one of my readers.  This is a common theme amongst two sets of people supporting the Palestinian cause: those with unmistakable animus toward Israel and Jews and others just misinformed by consistent, unremitting propaganda (a category I place this writer in). “I am 100 percent in favor of freezing settlements. What settlers are doing there is the same as what my European ancestors did to my Native American ancestors. Stealing land. It should stop. My inclination is to want Israel to go back to the 1967 borders, but I admit that I do not have the historical knowledge to understand the wars that increased the boundaries. So I’m not firm on that. But the further expansion of borders is very wrong, in my opinion.”

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