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Exceptional Spider Silk

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.

To the average person, a spider’s web looks rather weak and flimsy. With the greatest of ease, a person can destroy a web. In only a second, the spider’s house is razed with the wave of a hand. Even Job’s uninspired friend, Bildad, testified of the fragileness of webs when he likened the unrighteous to those “whose trust is a spider’s web” (Job 8:14), who are leaning upon a house that easily perishes. So why are scientists increasingly mesmerized by the spider’s silk webbing?

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The Cause of Cuttlefish

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.

Two colorful, eight-legged cephalopods, known as cuttlefish, recently graced the cover of the journal New Scientist. With bluish-green blood, iridescent skin color, feeding tentacles that shoot from their mouths like birthday party blowers, and eyes like something from a Batman movie, it is no surprise that the editors of New Scientist used the term “alien” in its description of the cuttlefish; the animals do look bizarre—plain and simple.

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7 Reasons to Believe in God

by Eric Lyons, M.Min.and Kyle Butt, M.A.

How can you know that God exists? You can’t see, hear, touch, smell, or taste Him. You can’t weigh Him like you can a five-pound bag of potatoes. You can’t put Him under an electron microscope to show your friends what He looks like on an atomic level. You can’t experiment on Him with probes and scalpels. You can’t take a picture of Him to show your neighbor that He’s not just an imaginary friend. You can’t magically make Him appear in the classroom of an atheistic professor who is challenging anyone to prove that God exists. So how can you know that God exists?

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America is in grave danger, and Christian leaders & lay people must speak out. When a nation murders 57 million babies & ignores gathering storm of Radical Islam, the state of the union is not “strong.”

by joelcrosenberg

(Costa Mesa, California) — “America, for all that we have endured; for all the grit and hard work required to come back; for all the tasks that lie ahead, know this: The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong.” So began President Obama on Tuesday night in his 2015 State of the Union address to the nation and to a Joint Session of Congress. He was not the first American President to declare the state of the union “strong.” But with all due respect, the President is wrong.

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The Millennium

by Claire Gebers

The covenant relationship between Israel and God reaches its peak in the Millennium. This is the 1000-year period after the Tribulation and the Second Coming.

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Teaching of Yeshua Hamashiach – Part One

by Yeshua Adonai

Yeshua was the greatest Moreh (teacher) who ever lived. Yet He was much more than that. As YHVH’s Son, His teachings were truth. His mission was to instruct others how to know YHVH. His main message was that YHVH wants to love us and to know us.

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‘Britain’s jails turning into breeding ground for terrorists’: Figures reveal 42% of inmates at one high-security prison are Muslim and bosses fear inmates could be radicalised

by Richard Spillett
30 March 2014

Fears are growing that Britain’s jails are becoming a hotbed of extremism after it was revealed today that nearly half the inmates of one top security prison are Muslim. Some 42 per cent of those housed at Category A Whitemoor jail – and more than a quarter of those in London prisons – consider themselves to be of Islamic faith. Experts now fear large numbers are being radicalised on the inside, where they say the spread of Jihadist ideas is rife.

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by Michael Fackerell
March 9, 2007

I understand that paganism is a growing religious force in the world today. Also, there are quite a number of forms of paganism – Druidism, Wicca, Witchcraft  just to name a few. Perhaps you feel that your rituals and other spiritual activities will help to save the Earth from self-destruction. You may distrust Christianity for quite a few reasons. You can’t stand the doctrine of eternal punishment, and you probably feel that most Monotheistic religions, especially Christianity, are a hindrance to spiritual development.

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by Michael Fackerell
March 9, 2007

Today millions of intelligent people believe in the idea of reincarnation.This is the idea that after death the soul or life-force will eventually find its way into another body. There are many different and contradictory theories concerning how reincarnation works. One thing is sure however. If reincarnation is true, then death is not final. It is only the gateway to a new existence. Death, then, is therefore also relatively safe. There is no need to fear hell-fire or eternal judgment. This is comforting.

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