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Newsweek, Eichenwald, and the Misunderstood Bible

by S. Michael Houdmann
Got Questions Ministries

The cover story in the he January 2-9, 2015 edition of Newsweek is “The Bible: So Misunderstood It’s a Sin”, written by Kurt Eichenwald. To summarize, Eichenwald hates what the Bible says about homosexuality (and a few other issues), and therefore wrote the article to attack the trustworthiness of the Bible, with the goal of weakening people’s faith in its message.

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Redeeming the time in 2015

by Tucker Whitaker

Paul tells us to wake up, put off the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. The long night is fading away, the sun is peeking over the eastern horizon, and Jesus is coming soon! Christian, do you know what time it is? It’s time to wake-up and get dressed. This is something we must know!

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In Defense of the Faith

by Pete Garcia
December 29, 2014

Many Christians have told me that the study of prophecy is irrelevant to the here and now.  I would counter, by quoting the famed comedian George Burns, “I look to the future, because that is where I’m going to spend the rest of my life”. While the days darken, and our world seemingly becomes more unhinged each day, we know according to Scripture, that God has a grand plan for us, and a future beyond compare.  I hope this helps you in your journey.

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The myths of Islam

by The Religion of Peace

Muslims often complain of popular “misconceptions” about their religion in the West. We took a hard look, however, and found that the most prevalent myths of Islam are the ones held by Muslims and Western apologists.

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Has The New Testament Been Reliably Passed Down to Us?

by Logic & Light

The New Testament is a diverse collection of 27 books, mostly written during the first century A.D. by a range of authors. Given the awesome span of time between their original writing and today, it’s no surprise that we no longer have the original texts. The books come down to us today thanks to the work of monks and scribes who, over the centuries, copied and recopied the scrolls.

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About that error-filled New Testament…

by logic&light
November 5, 2014

The Codex Sinaiticus, a handwritten Greek manuscript written in the middle of the fourth century. It is the earliest existing complete copy of the New Testament. “Don’t you know that the New Testament is full of errors?  Over the years, scribes made copy after copy, and introduced so many alterations, errors, and variations that today we can’t even be sure what the original texts said!

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God’s Battalions: The Case for the Crusade

Author: Rodney Stark

Another one by Stark, this 248-page book addresses what some consider to be a massive stain on Christian history:  the Crusades.  Many critics of Christianity use the Crusades as a murderous example of Christian imperialism, and as a reason to discount the faith.  Stark paints an altogether different picture of why the Crusades happened, who took part, and what they achieved. 

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The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus

Authors: Gary Habermas and Mike Licona

This book provides a range of historical evidences to support the gospel accounts.  Its primary focus is on Jesus’ resurrection, and it does an admirable job of making its case.  It also provides helpful guidance to Christians who wish to share their faith with others. Such guidance is needed, as many Christians are rather uncomfortable doing this…or are not very skilled at it.

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