by Pastor Vincent Nicotra
The basic meaning of the verb “to sanctify” is to separate, or to set apart. Sanctification in the Scriptures is the sovereign act of God whereby He sets apart a person, a place, or an object for Himself in order that He might accomplish His purpose in the world through those means.
by Bert Thompson, Ph.D.
As we make our way through the pilgrimage called “life,” on occasion we stop to reflect upon the nature and meaning of our own existence, because such matters variously enthrall, excite, or intrigue us. Nowhere is this more evident than in regard to our ultimate origin. Few there must be who do not pause, at some point in their earthly sojourn, to ponder such topics as the origin of the Universe, the origin of planet Earth, the origin of various life forms on the Earth, and even their own origin and destiny.
by Ray Comfort
Aug 6, 2013
“Ray Comfort’s ability to insightfully shred the vain reasoning’s of men is a gift, and this film is a tour de force exposure of the emptiness of humanism.” Dr. James
by Ray Comfort
Aug 6, 2013
“Ray Comfort’s ability to insightfully shred the vain reasoning’s of men is a gift, and this film is a tour de force exposure of the emptiness of humanism.” Dr. James
by Rev Michael Bresciani
November 10, 2014
In a blazing headline One News Now published an article entitled “Pope backs evolution, Vatican calls creation ‘blasphemous.’”
by Rev Michael Bresciani
November 10, 2014
In a blazing headline One News Now published an article entitled “Pope backs evolution, Vatican calls creation ‘blasphemous.’”
by Michael F. Haverluck
November 03, 2014
Pope Francis made his staunch support of Darwinian evolution over the Genesis account of creation very clear, backing the Roman Catholic Church’s long-established endorsement of the controversial theory.
by Michael F. Haverluck
November 03, 2014
Pope Francis made his staunch support of Darwinian evolution over the Genesis account of creation very clear, backing the Roman Catholic Church’s long-established endorsement of the controversial theory.
by Michael Houdmann
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