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A Former Witch Looks At The Lord Of The Rings

by Pastor David J. Meyer

Shortly after the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City fell to the ground and drastically changed our nation forever, a new series of movies began to draw millions of people to the movie theaters. Standing above and apart from the many fantasy movies and books is a trilogy or series of three called The Lord Of The Rings.

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Obamacare guru shocks again with abortion boast

by Jerome R. Corsi – WND
November 14, 2014

The Obamacare architect at the center of controversy for his frank admissions that passing the president’s signature legislation required lying to the American people published a paper during the Clinton administration observing that legalizing abortion saved the government $14 billion in assistance to economically disadvantaged mothers, including African Americans, and lowered crime.

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The Spiritual Birth of Israel

by Johan Malan
July 2013

There is great anticipation for the time when Israel as a people will be reconciled to the Messiah as that event will mark the formal conclusion of the times of the Gentiles, which elapses between Israel’s Babylonian captivity and the end of the Antichrist’s reign. During this entire period there was no king who ruled on the throne of David. After Israel’s spiritual awakening, their kingdom will be restored by the Messiah Himself. That event will introduce a period in world history when the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea

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