by Darryl Eberhart and Amazing Discoveries
October 13, 2019
Below is a timeline of the generally aggressive history of the Roman Catholic Church, but the most tragic one that concerns the Word of God is the persecution during the Middle Ages of anyone daring to oppose the Church.
by Got Questions
Satan has always sought to supplant God, and he uses lies about worshiping other gods and even ancestors to try to lead people away from the truth of God’s existence.
by Brannon Howse
October 12, 2010
Dietrich Bonhoeffer noticed the globalists were co-opting the liberal American churches in 1930. Today however, it is both the liberal and “conservative” denominations and Christian leaders that are being co-opted by the globalist.
by David Wilkerson
March 10, 1998
The Dangers of the Gospel of Accommodation, a sermon given by David Wilkerson at a chapel service at the Assemblies of God national office on March 10, 1998.
by Johan Malan, University of the North, South Africa
Abstract: The form of spiritual decline that is occurring in Reformed (Calvinistic) churches in South Africa comprises the denial of fundamental Christian doctrines. The five doctrines involved are (1) a premillennial eschatology, (2) sanctification as a second work of grace, (3) salvation through regeneration, (4) the inerrancy of the Bible as God’s Word, and (5) the Deity of Jesus. Some denominations are in an early stage of decline while others have advanced much further.
by Grant Phillips
February 25, 2017
Why is it that so many Christians do not share the Gospel with others?
by Religious Institute
Abortion is one of the most significant moral issues of our day. Emotions run very deep when it comes to this issue. It is tempting to consider this issue from the perspective of our culture’s standards. Christians want to be informed about abortion based on the Word of God.
by Andrew Mullen
June 1, 2021
China’s one-child policy started in 1980 and was strictly enforced with punishments including fines for violators and often forced abortions. China officially ended its one-child policy in January 2016 in favour of a two-child policy before it introduced a three-child policy in May 2021.
by Alexancer Tsiaras
This video is stunning – it is our life – it is miracle! It is an amazing video on human life from conception to birth using the newest x-ray scanning technology that won its two inventors the Nobel Peace Prize. Make sure your sound is on.
This is part of the list of killings in the name of Islam maintained by Most of these incidents are terror attacks. A handful are honor killings or Sharia executions.
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