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Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry

by Peter R Breggin MD

This chapter [page 35] focuses on two well-known neurological disorders caused by Neuroleptics with emphasis on their frequency and their destructive impact on the physical and emotional life of the individual.

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Effects of Psychiatric Drugs

by Medica Whistleblower

These psychiatric drugs are not of small risk but instead cause massive changes in the way the brain functions. Long term studies have indicated that there are severe debilitating and sometimes fatal effects of these drugs. Possible negative effects were minimized or not even discussed at all. There are risks of long term psychological harm, physical harm, social harm and economic harm.

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Rick Warren Says Pope Francis Is The Pope Of All Christians Worldwide (VIDEOS)

by NTEB News Desk
December 3, 2014

There is a hardcore, full-court press happening right now to unify all Christian denominations under the banner of the Roman Catholic Church, and the charge is being led by none other than apostate pastor  and Chrislam founder Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in California. Warren has a purpose driven plan to break down and destroy the Christian church, and unite the pieces with Rome.

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How to Witness to Atheists

by Maggie Peil

When speaking about God, atheists can be curious or aggressive, transparent or convoluted. I was an atheist for many years. Now that I’m a Christian I enjoy discussing things with atheists. Here are some tips about talking to non-believers, using the Bible as your tool and guide.

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Witnessing to Hindus

by Dean C. Halverson and Natun Bhattacharya
Christian Research Institute

American Christians who take the Great Commission seriously cannot afford to ignore Hinduism. Not only are one million of its roughly eight hundred million adherents living in the United States, but the beliefs and practices of Hinduism (e.g., pantheism, reincarnation, and yoga) have deeply penetrated Western culture. In Part One we provided necessary background information for understanding Hindus. Now we offer six specific suggestions that will help facilitate meaningful dialogue with them.

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Pointers on Witnessing to Jews

by Jews For Jesus    
July 21, 2011 

If you’re reading this page, you’re probably interested in sharing your faith in Y’shua (Jesus) with Jewish people! Maybe you have a Jewish neighbor…or friend, or classmate, or even a Jewish relative. Or maybe you just want to be prepared for the next time you meet a Jewish person. Here are some things you should know that will help you be a more effective witness.

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Dear World…

by Blake Ezra
August 9, 2014

Dear world, I’m writing to you from a place of despair and confusion. When I say ‘world’, I don’t simply mean the planet upon which we all live but I address personally whoever is reading this. As a Jewish person, I have a question for you. It’s a genuine question to which I can’t find a suitable answer through my own thoughts… What do you want from us?

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Dear World…

by Blake Ezra
August 9, 2014

Dear world, I’m writing to you from a place of despair and confusion. When I say ‘world’, I don’t simply mean the planet upon which we all live but I address personally whoever is reading this. As a Jewish person, I have a question for you. It’s a genuine question to which I can’t find a suitable answer through my own thoughts… What do you want from us?

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Pornography: Biblical Insights

by The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission
August 4, 2009

The existence of pornography is an evidence of a spiritual battle that is going on in our world. Pornographic material is specifically designed to appeal to human lust. The onslaught of this kind of material is a result of the spiritual warfare waged against the human family.

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