by Kersley Fitzgerald
Sadly, there’s no way to give an overview of human trafficking without being overwhelming. It is a big problem, and getting bigger. Still, there is a lot we can do to help, and even just reading this and learning about it is a big step. It sounds like a cliché, but awareness really does make a difference.
by Michael Houdmann
We must speak out on behalf of those in need (Proverbs 31:8-9). Those in our schools, businesses, churches, and community often are unaware of the problem of human trafficking and how to help. Perhaps God is calling you to be one of the people who would speak out and help provide justice to those without a voice in this area.
by Billy Graham
September 20, 2010
You may go to church, but perhaps you are still searching. There is an empty place in your heart, and something inside tells you that you’re not really right with God.
by Dave Hunt
Christ raised a solemn question. If we believe Christ’s coming could be soon, then we are living in the very time of which He spoke-a time when the faith would be in more danger of disappearing than ever before! Have we grasped the significance of our day and our individual responsibility to proclaim without compromise God’s truth and to defend the faith?
by Dave Hunt
February 1, 2014
One cannot even begin to “live by faith” while “dead in trespasses and sins”, which is mankind’s natural condition. One must be made “alive from the dead” by receiving God’s forgiveness in Christ. The Christian life of faith is only for those who are “in the faith”. Living “a good Christian life” is not the way to become a Christian. Only those who already are Christians can live that life. Nor is it lived in order to earn heaven, which is impossible, but out of gratitude to Christ for having paid the penalty for sin.
by Christian Medical Fellowship
In a recent television interview Peter Ustinov, the famous actor, was asked for his ‘doctrine of man’. He gave the reply ‘Man is essentially good!’ and was rewarded with sustained applause from the audience. Even among those who believe in the reality of heaven and hell, the popular conception is that the latter is reserved only for arch villains like Stalin, Hitler or Genghis Khan – perhaps along with a handful of gang rapists and serial killers.
by Jonathan Sacks
October 2, 2014
In France, worshipers in a synagogue were surrounded by a howling mob claiming to protest Israeli policy. In Brussels, four people were murdered in the Jewish museum, and a synagogue was firebombed. In London, a major supermarket said that it felt forced to remove kosher food from its shelves for fear that it would incite a riot. A London theater refused to stage a Jewish film festival because the event had received a small grant from the Israeli embassy.
by Citizens Commission on Human Rights
Vested Interests Inventing “Chemical Imbalance” Theory to Sell Drugs.
by Heather Clark
November 7, 2014
ROME – Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, and Saddleback megachurch leader Rick Warren will team up with Roman Catholic Pontiff Francis later this month for an interfaith Vatican conference on marriage and family. More than 30 speakers are expected to feature from over 20 countries. According to the Catholic News Service, those of the Jewish, Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Jaina Shasana, Taoist and Sikh religions will be present, as well as Roman Catholics and professing Christians.
by NTEB News Desk
November 11, 2014
Washington National Cathedral will host a Muslim prayer service for the first time Friday. There is a rapidly-growing movement within the professing Christian denominations to blend Islam with Christianity, we call this bastard hybrid Chrislam. Some of the most well-known figures in religious circles are behind it. People like Pope Francis, Rick Warren, Hillsong United, Kenneth Copeland and scores of others.
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