by Josh Levs, CNN
November 10, 2014
A new document by Iran’s supreme leader calling for the elimination of Israel shows that world powers must not rush into a deal on the country’s nuclear program despite an upcoming deadline, Israel’s Prime Minister said Monday. “There is no moderation in Iran. It is unrepentant, unreformed, it calls for Israel’s eradication, it promotes international terrorism,” Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement.
by Dr. David R. Reagan
The Bible clearly teaches that a new temple — which will be called The Third Temple — will be built in the future. This Temple will exist during the Great Tribulation. Daniel refers to it when he says that the Antichrist will enter it and stop the sacrifices in the middle of the Tribulation. The Apostle Paul mentions it when he declares that the man of lawlessness will profane the temple by entering it and declaring himself to be God.
by Ishaan Tharoor
November 7,2014
Last week, Sweden became the 135th member of the United Nations to officially recognize Palestine as an independent state. The act sparked a tetchy diplomatic incident with Israel. On the ground, a separate, viable Palestinian state is far from a reality. Israel occupies the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and it partially blockades the Gaza Strip, the territories that would comprise it.
by Peter Saunders
As doctors we are exposed to suffering in a unique way. For us, it is not something that just happens on a television screen to people we neither know nor meet. We grapple with it in our patients each day. Unless we want to insulate ourselves by becoming cynical and detached, we need to learn to cope with it and understand it. Suffering asks deep questions of us as Christians – not least ‘Why does it exist at all?’
by Peter Saunders
As doctors we are exposed to suffering in a unique way. We grapple with it in our patients each day. Unless we want to insulate ourselves by becoming cynical and detached, we need to learn to cope with it and understand it. Suffering asks deep questions of us as Christians – not least ‘Why does it exist at all?’
by Peter Sidebotham
As a paediatrician, I have had to face the reality of child abuse as being part of everyday life for many children. In this article, I want to present a biblical perspective on the problem of child abuse in order more clearly to understand its roots and learn how we can respond.
by Mark Baker
In Cambodia, corruption and lax regulations mean it’s easy to get a child quickly. The problem is, many of them aren’t abandoned – they’re sold.
by Patrick Counihan
June 07, 2014
More than 2000 Irish children in religious run homes were subjected to drugs trials in the 1930s according to a shocking new report. As the Tuam burial ground scandal erupts, it has now emerged that Catholic Church run homes and state institutions let the children of unmarried mothers be used in medical experiments. The Irish Daily Mail has published a damning report which outlines how scientists secretly vaccinated more than 2,000 children in religious-run homes in suspected illegal drug trials.
by John Fay
June 10,2014
Father Edward Flanagan, founder of “Boys Town” made famous by the Spencer Tracy movie, was a lone voice in condemning Ireland’s industrial schools back in the 1940s – and he was viciously castigated by church and government for doing so.
by Kate Hickey
June 10,2014
The Irish government has announced a statutory inquiry into the State sanctioned, Catholic Church-run institutions used as homes for pregnant, unmarried mothers and their children.
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