by Randy Alcorn
May 09, 2011
In the past few months, I have been repeatedly asked about the phenomenally popular book Heaven Is for Real. This book was again number 1 on the May 8 New York Times bestseller’s list. It has already sold something like four million copies, and it’s not slowing down.
by Dr. Norman Geisler
The best way to evaluate the credibility of the Gospel of Thomas is by way of comparison to the New Testament Gospels, which often the same critics have grave doubts about. When this comparison is made, the Gospel of Thomas comes up seriously short.
by Larry Miles
Why do we teach the Word of God? We are instructed to be good Bible students. We are to study God’s Word to learn His will for us and to learn how we can apply it to our daily walk for the Lord Jesus. We must know what we believe and why and if we put the proper emphasis on the Bible we will not be led astray by false teachers.
by Larry Miles
Jesus showed His love in that He died for us. We must love the lost and help them find salvation. We love because He first loved us, and that love that He shows must be found in His children, the Church. We put it into practice by being involved in evangelism.
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: صفات الله؟ من هو الله؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما معني أن الله محبة؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هي صلاة الخلاص؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: هل يسوع هو الطريق الوحيد للسماء؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هى خطه الخلاص؟
by Michael Houdmann
السؤال: ما هو الخلاص؟ ما هو المعتقد المسيحي للخلاص؟
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