by Answers in Genesis
We view the Neanderthals as the fully human ancestors of some modern humans, probably some Europeans and western Asians. They specialized in hunting the large, grazing animals that were abundant towards the end of the Ice Age.
by Rupert Taylor
February 8, 2021
The Scopes Trial of July 1925 was looming large, so the theory is that Nebraska Man was enlisted to sway public opinion in favour of Darwin and evolution.
by Christopher Manion, PhD
February 15, 2022
Should either of these radical pieces of legislation ever become the law of the land, Finland’s trial today will be replicated in every courtroom in America.
by Institute in Basic Life Principles
Do you have a greater or weaker sense of your need for God now? Are you cooler toward God and less passionate about spiritual things than you once were?
by Berean Research
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is a dominionist movement which asserts that God is restoring the lost offices of church governance, namely the offices of Prophet and Apostle.
by Open Doors
The Top 50 countries where Christians experience the most persecution.
by Christ for Today
March/April 2016
So many essential conditions are necessary for life to exist on our earth that it is mathematically impossible that all of them could exist in proper relationship by chance on any one earth at one time.
by Keith Throckmorton
February 2, 2022
Christianity is in a severe state of decline in America today, which has resulted from an overall turning away from the Holy Scriptures.
by David Cook/Campaign life coalition
January 8, 2022
Has the Trudeau government put a law on the books that effectively criminalizes Christianity? According to some prominent clergy in this country, the answer is, shockingly, yes.
by PNW
Facebook’s claims that they are relentlessly working to weed out ‘hate speech’ is rather a campaign to weed out any opinion that they disagree with. Their definition of ‘health misinformation’ is essentially anything that contradicts the narratives that are being pushed by the big pharmaceutical.
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