by Nanci Des Gerlaise
Dream catchers—those spidery “sacred hoops” with feathers. They originated with the Ojibwa tribe during the ’60s and ’70s, supposedly to protect a sleeper by “catching” bad dreams or evil spirits. Then they caught on with other tribes and spread through the New Age movement into popular culture. Today, it is not uncommon to see dream catchers in gift and variety stores.
by T. A. McMahon
There have been quite a number of books written by or about people who claim to have personally visited Heaven. Some of these authors profess to be Christians while others do not. The descriptions of their experiences vary regarding such things as entering into a dazzling white light at the end of a dark tunnel and being greeted by deceased loved ones, or being in the presence of God and seeing the shed feathers of angels dotting the grand floor of His throne room. Many of their stories contain information that would seem to be beyond their ability to know at the time–or at all.
by Dave Hunt
February 1, 2014
One must first enter upon the Christian life by faith in Christ in order to begin to “live by faith.” Paul exhorts us, “As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him”. And how did we receive Christ? As helpless, hopeless sinners who could do nothing for our own salvation but had to look entirely to Christ to save us. In that same attitude of unworthiness and complete dependence upon God for His grace and upon Christ to live His life through us, we live by faith the Christian life.
by Dave Hunt
Christ raised a solemn question. If we believe Christ’s coming could be soon, then we are living in the very time of which He spoke-a time when the faith would be in more danger of disappearing than ever before! Have we grasped the significance of our day and our individual responsibility to proclaim without compromise God’s truth and to defend the faith?
by Errol Naidoo
By now you must have heard of the court interdict that seeks to declare unconstitutional the Christian ethos and activities at six public schools in SA – four in Gauteng and two in the Western Cape. The obvious objective of the athiest group, “Organisasie vir Godsdienste-Onderrig en Demokrasie” is to eradicate all Christian activity at state run schools.
by Dr Christopher D. Marshall
The Bible does not contain a developed doctrine of human rights, but when that doctrine did arise in Christian thought, the biblical tradition of justice provided human rights with a distinctive foundation and character.
by Human Rights Watch
Armed actors committed serious abuses including indiscriminate attacks against civilians including aid workers, unlawful killings, beatings, arbitrary detentions, torture, sexual violence, looting and destruction of property. Some of the abuses may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity.
by Lighthousetrails
Dec 21, 2013
Protecting our children from spiritual deception can seem a daunting task but How to Protect Your Child from the New Age & Spiritual Deception offers hope with practical steps Christian parents can take to become proactive in recognizing the dangers their children face while also teaching them to discern biblical truth. Berit Kjos has done her homework and documents how children and teens are being targeted with New Age and occultic messages through every form of media and in school curriculum and programs.
by Ray Yungen
The final outcome of contemplative prayer is interspirituality. The premise behind interspirituality is that divinity (God) is in all things, and the presence of God is in all religions. Interspirituality is a uniting of the world’s religions through the common thread of mysticism.
by Ray Yungen
The final outcome of contemplative prayer is interspirituality. The premise behind interspirituality is that divinity (God) is in all things, and the presence of God is in all religions. Interspirituality is a uniting of the world’s religions through the common thread of mysticism.
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