by David Dombrowski
Editor at Lighthouse Trails
We never dreamed in all our years as Christians that there would ever be such blatant heresy as we see in the organized Christian church today. Years ago, we would never have imagined that anyone would be given the green light to stand in front of a congregation and deny the atonement of Jesus Christ. Yet this is exactly what is happening in the emerging/progressive/contemplative “church” as well as in some of our Bible colleges and seminaries.
by Mark Langfan
October 20, 2014
Ayatollah Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader and effective ruler, tweeted a graphic last week which outlined Iran’s 11 “Red Lines for Nuclear Talks.”These included a “red line” of retaining enough centrifuge capacity to produce approximately 38 uranium nuclear bombs per year. This is Red Line 8, which says: “Supplying the final need of the country’s enrichment capacity which is 190 SWUs.”
by Ari Yashar
October 3, 2014
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday used his annual message to Hajj pilgrims heading to Mecca to insult Israel and call for its “annihilation. Khamenei likewise accused Israel of having “no limit or boundaries regarding viciousness, cruelty, and trampling underfoot all human standards and ethnics. Crimes, genocide, mass destruction, the killing of children, women and the homeless… The statement is ironic given Iran’s horrific human rights history.
On one hand, we are commanded by the Lord Jesus, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged” (Matthew 7:1). On the other hand, the Bible also exhorts us to beware of evildoers and false prophets and to avoid those who practice all kinds of evil. How are we to discern who these people are if we do not make some kind of judgment about them?
by Ray Pritchard
September 11, 2015
We live in a time when there is great fascination about life after death. Why this fascination with the world beyond the grave? Is it not because death is so final?
by Dr. Norman Geisler
The best way to evaluate the credibility of the Gospel of Thomas is by way of comparison to the New Testament Gospels, which often the same critics have grave doubts about. When this comparison is made, the Gospel of Thomas comes up seriously short.
Scientology teaches that salvation is attained through increasing one’s spiritual awareness.
by Charlie H. Campbell
The Bible is unarguably an incredible book. It is the best-selling, most quoted, most published, most circulated, most translated, most influential book in the history of mankind. [1] There is no close second. How can we know that the Bible isn’t just an ancient book of fiction, folklore, or cleverly devised tales invented by deceitful men?
Israel 101 is one of the most comprehensive resources available to better understand Israel’s geo-political history and the Middle East conflict. Get your free ebook.
by Selwyn Duke
October 11, 2014
Opponents of marijuana legalization hope this study review will put the brakes on burgeoning efforts to legalize the drug. Professor Hall asserts that marijuana as a safe drug is a dangerous misconception. According to Mark Winstanley there is a clear link with psychosis and schizophrenia, especially for teenagers. He says that smoking marijuana amounts to playing ‘Russian roulette with your mental health.
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