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The Temple Mount

by JPost Editorial
October 13, 2014

On the eve of Succot, dozens of masked Muslim youths threw rocks, fire bombs, fireworks, metal pipes and concrete slabs at police officers and non-Muslim visitors to the Temple Mount. The police reaction was indeed a surrender to Muslim religious extremism – one of the biggest threats to liberal, open societies in the 21st century.

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Israel, Islam, Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy Part II

by Truthnet

In many ways, the current conflict between Israel and the Muslim nations, is a continuation of a conflict which began 4000 years ago – two families competing for the blessing of Abraham.  Isaac was the “son of promise” and the “son of faith”, while Hagar’s son Ishmael was the “son of unbelief” and the “son of human effort”.  This conflict between these two descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, ultimately will be demonstrated in a building central to Judaism and important to Islam.  “This building, known the world over as the “Dome of the Rock”, or in Jewish circles, the “Temple Mount”, will become the center focus in the end-times.

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Israel, Islam, Jerusalem and Bible Prophecy Part II

by Truthnet

In many ways, the current conflict between Israel and the Muslim nations, is a continuation of a conflict which began 4000 years ago – two families competing for the blessing of Abraham.  Isaac was the “son of promise” and the “son of faith”, while Hagar’s son Ishmael was the “son of unbelief” and the “son of human effort”.  This conflict between these two descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Ishmael, ultimately will be demonstrated in a building central to Judaism and important to Islam.  “This building, known the world over as the “Dome of the Rock”, or in Jewish circles, the “Temple Mount”, will become the center focus in the end-times.

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The day of the Lord

by Ray Stedman

The Day of the LORD is a special term in the Bible used to refer to a period of time when God directly intervenes in human affairs—in judgment or in blessing. The Day of the Lord we are presently waiting for in our time frame will begin with the rapture (or “translation”) of the church and will continue through the tribulation period (seven years), and on through the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth until the time of the “new heavens and new earth.” (Rev. 21)

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Our Responsibility in Respect of Jerusalem

by Prof. Johan Malan
April 2012

Why has only one city in the entire world been singled out, for which Christians everywhere should earnestly intercede until the glory of the Lord descends upon it?  Christians should be fully aware of the deep spiritual significance of this city, as that alone explains the fact why Jerusalem, particularly during this end-time situation, is in the forefront of the battle between light and darkness.

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How addiction affects everyone in your family

by A Forever Recovery

One of the biggest health related problems in the United States is drug and alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, when it comes to addiction, it does not just affect the individual that is addicted; a person’s entire family becomes affected when dealing with a drug or alcohol dependence. Dependence on drugs or alcohol wreaks havoc on the whole family. It is important to note, however, that long term recovery is possible. With time and the proper medical help, children and families of addicts can heal and put their lives back together. 

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Jesus Christ is YHVH in the flesh

by Hebrew4Christians

Yeshua Ha-Mashiach (Jesus Christ) is YHVH “come in the flesh.”  Indeed, to say “Jesus Christ is Lord” (Phil 2:11; Romans 10:9) is to confess Him as Adonai — or YHVH — Himself.  According to the New Testament, salvation is experienced only by “changing your mind” and personally trusting that Yeshua/YHVH was executed as kapparah (atonement) for your sins, that He was physically pronounced dead and buried, and that He was raised from the dead in vindication of His glory and to function as our Kohen Gadol (High Priest) in heaven (1 Cor. 15: 3-4). There is no other Mediator before the Father and no other Name given to mankind for salvation (Acts 4:12).

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