by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Reiki is an increasingly popular ‘therapy’ recommended for a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Developed in the late 19th century, it is characterised by the laying on of hands, and based on an ancient Buddhist healing technique. Like other alternative therapies with New Age associations, it involves belief in an invisible life force that generates self-healing. Reiki has no credible scientific basis and there is no evidence for its efficacy in controlled trials.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Herbal medicines contain substances of plant origin and in general are available as over-the-counter products, not subject to close regulation. Whilst many valuable drugs have been identified, purified, evaluated for risk/benefit and eventually synthesised from plants, the effectiveness of most herbal medicines is still unproven and concerns about toxicity and drug interactions are real. In addition the history of the origins and present practices of the many varieties of herbal medicine indicate that they are rooted in and still associated with non-Christian belief systems.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Chiropractic is an alternative system of healthcare and healing based on manipulation of the spine. Its founder, Canadian grocer DD Palmer, believed that maladjusted or displaced vertebra pressed on nerves, interfering with the flow of ‘Innate Intelligence’ and resulting in defective function and poor health which could be alleviated by chiropractic adjustment.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Osteopathy is a popular and ‘respectable’ alternative therapy originally developed by Still and based on the idea that physical manipulation directed at ‘osteopathic lesions’ in the spine initiates holistic self-healing processes. Treatment by contemporary osteopaths includes orthodox advice regarding posture and exercise but concentrates on manipulative techniques for musculoskeletal problems.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
The rise of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) has been fuelled by disillusionment with orthodox medicine and the attractiveness of New Age spirituality. CAM is frequently rooted in Eastern religion and mysticism and the underlying aim of treatment is often to achieve a balance in the flow of ‘vital energy’, by various means.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Reflexology is a ‘touch therapy’ with ancient origins based on the idea that pressure and massage applied to the foot can prevent and treat organic disease. Although relatively safe, it has no rational or scientific basis and randomised controlled trials show no evidence of its efficacy. Whilst a soothing foot massage may play a part in relieving stress, the basic philosophy behind reflexology has roots in the Taoist Chinese view of the life force ch’i and the concept of chakras in the Hindu practice of yoga.
by George Smith – Christian Medical Fellowship
Amongst the alternative therapies available today, homeopathy is one of the most controversial. It has sometimes been described as ‘the therapy that can’t work but does work’. Investigation, however, suggests that it is far easier to appreciate the first part of this statement than to substantiate the second.
by Christian Medical Fellowship
Modern aromatherapy arose in the early 20th century and is an increasingly popular alternative therapy involving the application of aromatic oils, usually to the skin. The use of aromatic oils in relaxing massage is quite legitimate, but this use needs to be distinguished from their employment by New Age practitioners who attribute their ‘healing’ properties to ‘balancing energy flows’.
by Andrew LaSane
September 17, 2014
The legal battle you didn’t know was going on in Orange County, Florida. is over, and the Satanists have won. The Satanic Temple recently posted a press release to their website announcing that they will begin distributing The Satanic Children’s BIG BOOK of Activities to schools in the area. The release explains that the School Board in Orange County “allowed an evangelical Christian group to distribute Bibles while censoring atheist materials” from the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
by Lighthouse Trails Editors
October 2nd, 2014
A move away from the truth of God’s Word to a mystical form of Christianity has infiltrated, to some degree, nearly all evangelical denominations. Few Bible teachers saw this avalanche coming. Now that it is underway, most do not realize it has even happened.
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