by Paul Kusiak
After the Rapture God will send two people to act as His special representatives to the world. Their identities are a mystery, but it isn’t who they are that’s important, it’s what they say.
by Jerry Bridges
Godliness consists of two distinct but complementary traits, and the person who wants to train himself to be godly must pursue both with equal vigor. The first trait is God-centeredness, which we call devotion to God; the second is God likeness, which we call Christian character. Godly character flows out of devotion to God and practically confirms the reality of that devotion.
by Jerry Bridges
Godliness consists of two distinct but complementary traits, and the person who wants to train himself to be godly must pursue both with equal vigor. The first trait is God-centeredness, which we call devotion to God; the second is God likeness, which we call Christian character. Godly character flows out of devotion to God and practically confirms the reality of that devotion.
by Gary E. Gilley
The fastest growing segment of professing Christianity today is the Word-Faith Movement, also known as the Positive Confession or simply “Faith” movement. Its growth is at least partially due to the massive amounts of money the leaders are able to extract from the faithful. This influx of cash allows for huge buildings and extensive ministries, and more importantly, wide exposure on television, which translates into numerical growth.
by Geri Ungurean
Perhaps you have placed yourself under false teaching, and have not repented and trusted Jesus alone for the forgiveness of your sin. There are many preachers who love to tickle itchy ears. Does your preacher speak about sin, and how it separates us from God? Does he preach repentance – agreeing with God that you are a sinner, and to turn away from it?
by Henk Bolhuis
The Bible assures us that there is such a thing as conclusive and veritable truth and that it is found in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
by Jim Nash
The Yom Teruah, “Feast of Trumpets,” which is also known as “Rosh HaShanah,” has a unique marker or link to The Bride of Christ and is a picture of the “catching away” (Rapture) of the Bride of Christ.
by Christian Aid Mission
March 06, 2014
As the standoff continues between Crimean and Russian military forces, believers in Ukraine are mounting their own army—a legion of prayer warriors seeking peace and healing in their country.
by Henri Rose Cimatu
August 26 2014
A former UK attorney general says in an interview that Christians in Britain are forced to hide their beliefs because of an “aggressive form of secularism” to “push faith out of the public sphere.”
Dominic Grieve, a practicing Anglican, said he finds it unnatural for people to be persecuted for expressing their beliefs in an interview with The Telegraph newspaper in Britain on 23 August.He noted that some public sector workers have been disciplined for displaying their faith at work.
by Jean Homer
September 16, 2014
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, spoke strongly against anti-Semitism in her country at a Brandenburg Gate rally on Sunday, September 14. She stated, “That people in Germany are threatened and abused because of their Jewish appearance or their support for Israel is an outrageous scandal that we won’t accept…It’s our national and civic duty to fight anti-Semitism.”
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