Today, most historians call this event a genocide–a premeditated and systematic campaign to exterminate an entire people. However, the Turkish government does not acknowledge the enormity or scope of these events. Despite pressure from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in Turkey to talk about what happened to Armenians during this era.
by J van Rooyen
In the early days of the Reformation, Luther was quite friendly towards Jewish people. He was hopeful that they would support him and accept Jesus as the Messiah when he broke from the Catholic Church and its heresies. However, when the Jewish people rejected his approaches as well as his movement, Luther turned very anti-Semitic. He made very harsh anti-Semitic statements, especially toward the end of his life.
by J van Rooyen
During this period the Jews were targeted as being a race of conspirators and for these new reasons, were again made the scapegoat of society. Jews were not sought out for individual crimes as any other criminal would be but for the ‘crime of being Jewish’. It said to the Jew, ‘You have no right to live’.
by J van Rooyen
The traditions and foundations laid by the Fathers of the Church continued into the Middle Ages and created great intolerance and suspicion toward the Jews. The founders of the Church promulgated a number of doctrines to theologically invalidate the Jew’s continuing existence. These doctrines were given the greatest possible significance and divine authentication. ‘It was said to the Jew: You have no right to live among us’.
by J van Rooyen
The doctrines and teaching of the Church from its beginnings to the Fourth Lateran Council, laid the initial layer of ‘Jew hatred’ and took the Jewish people all the way to the Holocaust. This first step began with the attempt to drive Jews either into Christianity or into a place of non-identity, as Judaism was no longer recognised as a valid religion. By doing so, the Church clearly defined anti-Semitism’s first characteristic – ‘You have no right to live among us as Jews.’ It was said to the Jew: ‘You have no right to live among us as Jews.’
by Israel H. Asper
I make the charge that much of the world media who are covering the Arab-Israeli conflict have abandoned the fundamental precepts of honest reporting. They have been taken captive by their own biases, or victimized by their own ignorance. They have adopted Palestinian propaganda as the context for their stories. Thus dishonest reporting has made truth a casualty of the war, causing grievous damage to both Israel and the integrity of the journalistic profession.
by Amy Joy Hess
September 8, 2014
On par with murder itself, the sexual assault of a child is one of the most horrendous crimes known to man. Yet, between 1997 and 2013, at least 1400 girls in the South Yorkshire of Rotherham were groomed, drawn into the company of packs of Pakistani men, and exploited without mercy. The reign of terror involved beatings and threats of death and torture of the girls’ family members, and local law enforcement did close to nothing.
by Manfred Nochomowitz
Old Testament prophecies of the first coming of Yeshua and their fulfillment.
by Joe David
July 02, 2014
Call the enemy what you like – radicals, fundamentalists, Islamic terrorists, jihadists, or, historically, just plain Muslims. Connect the dots to their past activities, and you will uncover a disturbing pattern: a fanatical commitment to eliminating infidels.
by Heather Clark
August 27, 2014
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – A megachurch in Alabama recently held an open house to celebrate the opening of its $26 million dollar, six-dome entertainment center, which some are stating is far from biblical Christianity and the example of the early Church.
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