by Brian Hutton
6 February 2014
The United Nations has openly challenged Pope Francis to launch an investigation into decades of abuse of girls and young women at Catholic-run workhouses in Ireland.
by Todd
May 26, 2014
We are slowly losing the battle against infectious diseases. After scientists made huge progress in the 20th century with the discovery of wonder cures like penicillin and the polio vaccine, they are now watching helplessly as bacteria and viruses become totally immune to all forms of treatment.
by Nowtheendbegins
The Roman Catholic Church claims to have started in Matthew 16:18 when Christ supposedly appointed Peter as the first Pope. However, the honest and objective student of the Scriptures and history soon discovers that the foundation of the Roman church is none other than the pagan mystery religion of ancient Babylon.
by Gordon Wilson
May 27, 2009
God has bestowed protection on many creatures that are on the predator’s menu. All around us are reminders of God’s care, even to the smallest of creatures—such as arthropods, a broad category of animals that includes spiders and insects.
by Dr. Don DeYoung
February 24, 2010
The sight of a galloping horse is a thing of beauty. Its bones and muscles awe equine lovers of all ages. But on closer inspection, there seems to be a terrible flaw at the point of greatest stress—a hole in its shin.
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “What is Coptic Christianity, and what do Coptic Christians believe?”
By Mary Fairchild
Orthodox Christianity claims to have fully preserved, without any deviation, the traditions and doctrines of the early Christian church established by the apostles. This is why they believe themselves to be the only true and “right believing” Christian faith.
by S. Michael Houdmann
Question: “What is Roman Catholicism?”
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