by BBC
There are 20 million Sikhs in the world, most of whom live in the Punjab province of India. The 2001 census recorded 336,000 Sikhs in the UK.
by Got Questions
Shintoism is a purely Japanese religion, the origins of which are buried in the hazy mists of ancient Japanese history. It is one of the world’s oldest religions.
by Dr. John Ankerberg and Dr. John Weldon
An excerpt from the book “The Coming Darkness” which is an in-depth perspective on current occult activity, proof of its dangers, and the One source of true deliverance.
by Michael Gleghorn
What is yoga? For many in the West, yoga is simply a system of physical exercise, a means of strengthening the body, improving flexibility, and even healing or preventing a variety of bodily ailments. But if we inquire into the history and philosophy of yoga we discover that “much more than a system of physical exercise for health, Yoga is an ancient path to spiritual growth.” It is a path enshrined in much of the sacred literature of India.
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
We had assumed that paganism would attack the church frontally. It did not. Instead, it cleverly came through the door of government, courts, schools, our institutions. The media and press facilitated it, collaborated. We expected paganism to ride at us in blatant anti-religious garb. Instead, it arrived on a Trojan horse, a benighted political horse: liberalism.
by Raymond Ibrahim
May 22, 2014
So long as the international community and human rights organizations fail to employ some common sense and honesty—fail to call a spade a spade—so will they ensure that countless more innocent humans like Meriam Ibrahim continue to suffer “appalling and abhorrent” treatment, simply for trying to exercise their “right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion” under Islam.
by Raymond Ibrahim
May 22, 2014
A few days ago in Sudan, an eight-month pregnant wife and mother was sentenced to death by hanging for refusing to renounce Christ and embrace Islam.
by Y-Jesus Francais
Beaucoup de gens s’imaginent que Jésus Christ s’attend à ce que nous devenions religieux. Ils pensent que Jésus est venu pour supprimer tout plaisir de la vie, et pour nous imposer des règles impossibles à suivre. Ils veulent bien l’appeler ” grand homme ” du passé, mais ils prétendent qu’il n’est pas pertinent à leur vie d’aujourd’hui.
by S. Michael Houdmann
Domanda: “Qual è l’origine della Chiesa Cattolica?”
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