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Homosexual behavior doesn’t harm anyone

by Matt Slick
September 27, 2011

It is obvious that homosexual behavior is indeed harmful. It is full of promiscuity and its related health risks. The facts speak contrary to the idea that mere homosexual activity harms no one

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Homosexuals are born that way. Therefore it is natural and good.

by Matt Slick

The problem with using genetics as an excuse to justify behavior is that whatever tendency we might be born with must be considered normal.  This includes lying, pedophilia, homosexuality, and rape.  But, such a logical inference will not be acceptable to the pro-homosexual community because selective statistics and discriminatory reasoning are offered to justify their behavior.

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Graham: ‘True Followers of Jesus…Cannot Endorse Same-Sex Marriage’

By Michael W. Chapman
May 16, 2014

Rev. Franklin Graham, son of world-renowned evangelist Billy Graham, said that “true followers” of Jesus  “cannot endorse same-sex marriage” regardless of what President Barack Obama, the Congress, the Supreme Court, or the media say about the issue, adding that marriage was “settled by God Himself” and cannot be modified by man.

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