by Daniel Strange
Christian Universalism contends that an individual’s destiny is not fixed at death, and that ultimately everyone will be saved by Christ.
by Learn Religions – Catherine Beyer
June 25, 2019
Rastafari is an Abrahamic new religious movement that accepts Haile Selassie I, the Ethiopian emperor from 1930 to 1974 as God incarnate and the Messiah who will deliver believers to the Promised Land, identified by Rastas as Ethiopia.
by South African History Online
Although traditional African religion recognises a Supreme God, followers do not worship him or her directly as they do not feel worthy enough. They therefore ask the ancestors to communicate on their behalf.
by Got Questions
Perhaps the greatest of all Messianic prophecies in the Tanakh (the Hebrew Scriptures/the Old Testament) concerning the advent of the Jewish Messiah is found in the 53rd chapter of the prophet Isaiah.
by Thomas Ice
One of the most important prophecy passages in the whole Bible is that of God’s prophecy given to Daniel in Daniel 9:24-27. This passage constitutes one of the most amazing prophecies in all the Bible.
by Prof. J.S. Malan, University of the North, South Africa
Early in the 1980’s the New Age Movement emerged from its secluded circles and vigorously started propagating its ideology in the world. It is closely associated with the concept of a new world order, and forms part of it.
byJohn Read, PhD, Sarah Hancock, MS, CRC, Sue Cunliffe, MBchB, RCPCH
April 5, 2021
There is no evidence that electroconvulsive therapy saves lives, and studies have found that it causes persistent or permanent memory loss in 12% to 55% of patients, with particularly high rates among women and older individuals.
by Promises Behavioral Health
Parenting a child with a mental health condition is far more challenging than parenting healthy kids. Following are some guidelines to help you survive the challenges of parenting your ADHD child.
by Nathan E. Jones
Islam is civil, it is cultural, it is military, and it encompasses every aspect of a Muslim’s life. Islam is way more than just a religion to them. Islamic Shar’ia Law embodies the lifestyle of its founding century – the seventh century.
by The Wilberforce School
William Wilberforce put evangelicalism on Britain’s map as a power for social change, first by overthrowing the slave trade almost single-handed and then by generating a stream of societies for doing good and reducing evil in public life.
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